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Cows Eurovision Thread 2013 In Association With Datys


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Hello, Cow here.


Eurovision is the postman that's depressing the lock on our garden gate, a time to reflect on the beauty of women, song and political voting.


Tonight we will be represented by the UK and are a 100/1 shot to win with bonnie Tyler #bettertogether.


Cow thinks that Russia is an excellent bet at 17/1 or evens for a top 6 finish.




I will link in a youtube preview to get you moist.

































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  • 10 months later...

Cow. Nobody likes you. We are Aberdeen. You're a weegie who lives in the sad East Lothian. Get a life.


EDIT: You're also a coward, and a very thick fuck.

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Cow. Nobody likes you. We are Aberdeen. You're a weegie who lives in the sad East Lothian. Get a life.


EDIT: You're also a coward, and a very thick fuck.



Trust me I'm not.


Still thanks for your kind words RS. Your opinion matters to me.

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Given that


1. nobody likes you

2. this is Aberdeen

3. weegie

4. living in the sad east lothian, and

5. you are a coward


were all indisputable, I guess your intellect was your only point of possible contention.


Your future posting will determine. Leopards don't change spots.

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