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Really good atmosphere about the place


Music and dance everywhere due to the youth festival - nice sunshine - bunting even looked good



Nice town when everything is going well - just shows how badly the council is making a pigs ear of it for the other 364 days of the year

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Parade was cracking, the Belmont market had some cracking produce- 5 pigeon breast fillets for a fiver, fried one up and sliced it up in amongst some salad with Nandos garlic sauce as dressing. Fantastic.

Will expect city centre to resemble a scene from 28 days later in the early hours: deserted streets with drunken zombies roaming around trying to find a taxi.....

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Yip, I concur whole heartedly.


Spent Saturday afternoon sitting outside Enigma, £2.30 a pint, sun beating down, bands from various parts of the world playing and some stunningly attractive girls wandering around with summer attire on.


Aberdeen was an excellent place to be on Saturday. thoroughly enjoyed it.


Did the council import them for the day?

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How the fuck should I know how old they were?They were well formed and very pretty. If I wasn't so ugly, insecure and fat, they would have been bowled over with some key chat up lines and then given a seeing to they would have remembered until dotage.

Roid club nomination.


Sex offender register nomination while we're at it. Trying to chat up 14 year old girls isn't on. Especially if I'm not there. Poor show Rumpus.

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Me and the missus have been up to Aberdeen for a weekend past 2 years (last time was a year past this weekend there). Not going this year, we just went cos she blagged us free travel & free stay in the Hilton/Thistle. Only ever been up for games apart from that. We really enjoyed it both times, great place to visit for a change of scene, decent pubs, places to eat, shopping etc. Sounds like we missed out by not coming up this year.

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I refuse to believe that folk under the age of 60 buy scones.

Acceptable behaviour at a coffee morning or something of similar ilk.


Finechty had a coffee and tea thing at the bowling club this weekend as part of their gala weekend.


I'd a chocolate crispie bake which was decent enough but the wife reckons whoever made the pancakes must smoke 80 fags a day as you could smell the smoke on them. Gads.

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