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The Gentlemanly Thing To Do

a don in oz

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They should have punched Mathews lights out, he sounds like a right tosser, he was "horrified"! Fuck off! :)

Ha ha, exactly what I thought, fucking poof nae doubt. He will be some west end student type, in thick rimmed glasses, a comb over and skinny jeans, prob also wears a scarf, in the summer, indoors. Aka a twat.

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They should have punched Mathews lights out, he sounds like a right tosser, he was "horrified"!


Fuck off! :)


Total bellend.



Matthew Vickery

Socialist, Feminist, Anti-Racist, Pro-Equality. Former journalist in the West Bank, and an infrequent writer published on unheard of, and frequently ignored, outlets.


Didn't know there such a thing as a male feminist. :gay:

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It's usually single mothers that comment on these kind of "mock outrage" facebook pages. They have nothing better to do with their lives than sit on facebook commenting on things that a) have fuck all to do with them, b) doesn't relate to them in the slightest and c) has fuck all to do with them.


It cries "Look at me...i'm offended by things in this world because i'm better than you"

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Total bellend. Didn't know there such a thing as a male feminist. :gay:

We should contact him and encourage him to sign up to afc chat, wonder how many posts he would have to read before becoming 'outraged' and start 'blogging' about it.


The world is full of total cunts these days, 'Matthew' being a prime example.

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