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What you have to remember chaps is that language evolves according to how people use it.


However if it evolves incorrectly it should die, like all other evolutionary failures.


I was watching Dave Gorman's the modern world is goodish and he was speaking about how kids today are hearing some sayings wrong, putting their own meaning to them and then they go out into the world using them in completely the wrong context. It hit home a few days ago when the missus's loon said his brother was as thick as a thief thinking it meant stupid.


The meaning of a word only changes when people are too lazy to correct the idiots in the first place.

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However if it evolves incorrectly it should die, like all other evolutionary failures.


I was watching Dave Gorman's the modern world is goodish and he was speaking about how kids today are hearing some sayings wrong, putting their own meaning to them and then they go out into the world using them in completely the wrong context. It hit home a few days ago when the missus's loon said his brother was as thick as a thief thinking it meant stupid.


The meaning of a word only changes when people are too lazy to correct the idiots in the first place.



I get pulled up about being pedantic most of the time. Worst of all by my dad who pronounces it "petantic," and no, he's nae doing it in jest!

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However if it evolves incorrectly it should die, like all other evolutionary failures.


I was watching Dave Gorman's the modern world is goodish and he was speaking about how kids today are hearing some sayings wrong, putting their own meaning to them and then they go out into the world using them in completely the wrong context. It hit home a few days ago when the missus's loon said his brother was as thick as a thief thinking it meant stupid.


The meaning of a word only changes when people are too lazy to correct the idiots in the first place.


Aye but give it a hundred years and it'll be correct.


Time and tide were essentially the same thing, originally anyway.

Now the use of the word tide refers more to the repetitive movement of the oceans.

There's a clear link; but the original meaning was certainly on the theme of time.

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