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Rip Off Britain


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A bloke on Question Time last night said it was cheaper to fly his own aircraft to places in Britain than use the train.


Most expensive petrol in the world nearly despite being a producer. Houses off the insanity scale in price. Taxed to death on everything.




Any trip abroad, anywhere, highlights how crap and over priced this country is. And uncultured. And drunk.



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A bloke on Question Time last night said it was cheaper to fly his own aircraft to places in Britain than use the train.


Most expensive petrol in the world nearly despite being a producer. Houses off the insanity scale in price. Taxed to death on everything.




Any trip abroad, anywhere, highlights how crap and over priced this country is. And uncultured. And drunk.


i think uk is nae bad to live in costs wise

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i think uk is nae bad to live in costs wise



Not compared to Holland, its just they are more open about taxing you in there min and you actually get real services for your tax buck. Here everything is privatised and we're still taxed through the nose.


Do you have any roads that are completely falling apart around where you live?

Are your bins picked up more than once a fortnight

Is your street clean, well maintained and nice to look at

Is Delft town centre well maintained, clean and nice to shop in

Do your buses, trams and trains run on time and when you get on them are they clean and well maintained?


Aberdeen - Montrose by train, next train down and return tonight = £34

Delft - Amsterdam return, any train you want there and back today = 24.40, - euro (£20)


About the same journey, 2/3 of the cost


20 bensons - £8 v 6 euro

pint of beer £3.50-4 v 4 euro


food is expensive here now as well. Meal for 2 in a shitey chain that boils everything in a bag, £50 with a drink no problem at all. same in Den Haag, 40 euro...


Get more for your rental buck in Den Haag. 1 bedroom, pokey wee hole in tilly - £550-600. For that money you get a nice sized 1 bedroom in Scheveningen. If you're buying you get almost twice as much for your money there than here in Aberdeen atm.



So aye, you're taxed heavily up front in Holland but you get the services, you get a clean environment and you spend less on lifes essentials.

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maybe changed since i was back in the old country


i cewrtainly find material objects cheaper in the UK.


take cars over here for example.

enourmous mark up on a dutch motor, lots of it tax but nae all of it.


i saw a fully specd audi rs6 for 180k.

thats mental.


even down to bog standard clothes, foods etc. more expensive. maybe its teh lack of giant out of town supermarkets/shoppin malls or whatever.


i think the dutch governemnet keep a tight control on imports, protecting many local brands and that affects prices.

im nae sure.

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