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Saudi Arabia To Get Nukes


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Seems they've been spending their oil money on Pakistan's nuclear programme, and seem to have an agreement with Pakistan to buy nukes as and when they reckon they need them.




Bad enough the Pakistanis and Indian's having them, what with them being an emotional and easily upset bunch... but the Arabs?


Arabs with nukes?


I've no problem with Arabs, but just like you wouldn't hand a five year old kid a gun, you don't let Arabs have nuclear weapons. You just fucking don't.





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arabia is like europe in the 1200s. but just nae as good.

picture brugge and then compare it to bravo two zero.



i reckon these sand monkeys should take the intermediate steps of an industrial revolution and enlightenment first rather than jumping in at the deep end


next every bongo country will be tooled up.

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Ideal scenario is all these terrorist nations wipe each other out, we then reclaim the land in a hundred years or so once the radiation levels have die down and put in plans to build the new stadium there. I am sure by then we'll have some form of faster travel so it shouldn't take any longer than, say, getting from BoD to Pittodrie, and we'll be guaranteed the weather.

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arabia is like europe in the 1200s. but just nae as good.

picture brugge and then compare it to bravo two zero.



i reckon these sand monkeys should take the intermediate steps of an industrial revolution and enlightenment first rather than jumping in at the deep end


next every bongo country will be tooled up.


Arabia is nothing like europe at any point in time.

And where the fuck is Brugge???

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Buildings are mostly state of the art roads are tar and not brick, hospitals have some of the best equipment in the world they no longer use camels for transportation and they have Internet,


I'm not sure how much more enlightened I can make it......



Oh and they love Debenhams ikea and markies :)


Sent from my GT-N5100 using Tapatalk 4

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Brugge is an anagram of bugger. For those who couldn't see that. Nae idea of the relevance, other than bluto's typing can be that inaccurate that he could misplace a letter by five characters. Theoretically. Doesn't make him a bad person and it's certainly not possible for him to be as bad a character as put tpu utp says that he is.

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Sunni Muslims of the Wahhabi variety are the last people you would want to have nukes.


An Intra-Islam sectarian nuclear arms race (Saudi v Iran) is not a good scenario. Perhaps all these nations might wipe one another (and their arsenals) out in some war, but that is probably far too convenient an outcome to be realistic.



I'd say Iran already knew about this deal but now its public it will have a massive effect on how cooperative they'll be when it comes to their nuclear program and opening it up for proper inspection etc.

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You don't apply the same to many other places I imagine? A Munchen here, a Москва there?


brugge has a particular place in my heart; its a fine a place, very fine indeed, pehaps one of the finest on gods known eath.

munich despite my oktoberfest appearance has not the same cachet.


besides, its what us intellectuals do.

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So bruges /brugge/bugger whatever let's get back on topic


The fact is blootery bugs Arabs aren't that far behind us is what I am trying to say you should come here for a holiday plenty of coffee shops around right up your street also weather is great 365 days


Sent from my GT-N5100 using Tapatalk 4



ive been min.


im well travelled across the whole arab world min.


im like a cross betwen michael palin and keith floyd min; leavin no food and drink stone unturned on my adventures.

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arabia is like europe in the 1200s. but just nae as good.



You mean Europe invented Mathematics and science in 1200 too? And here is me thinking the 'Arabs' had a thriving civilisation circa 1200, whereas us 'Europeans' were living in mud huts and asking what the fuck a hypercourse was / still moaning about the Romans and wondering what the fuck baths are.

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I'd also point out that we haen't been building roads for 2000 years in Europe.


There was the slight matter of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire circa the mid 400s CE, after which there was a thousand years period where the Church was largely in charge of things, and Europeans couldn't build roads, brick buildings, underground heating, drainage, stone arches, or non-military permanent structures.


People threw their shit into the street, performing scientific research would likely see you burned as a witch/heretic, medicine consisted of saying "Bless You" to plague victims, and rats outnumbered humans by about 10 to 1.


Dark Ages?


Shite Ages, more like.... amirite?

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