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Is anyone else losing track of days and not sleeping worth a fuck while on holiday


I lose track of days during Christmas holidays, but in large part this is due to sleeping often, long, deep and well.


Sleeping is one of the few things I am good at, many people seem to lose the knack with age. I am known as an "accomplished sleeper" among family and friends. Some of them pretend to be disgusted with my ability to sleep for ages, but I know its really just because they are unhappy with their own sleeps.

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thatcher had it right like; and nae just in the swatting away of annoyances like unions and the argies.

running this great country on a paltry 4 hours a night; thast some going and would take its toll on lesser mmen than her.


im of a similar ilk, youre a long time dead and theres plenty time then to catch up on shut eye.

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thatcher had it right like; and nae just in the swatting away of annoyances like unions and the argies.

running this great country on a paltry 4 hours a night; thast some going and would take its toll on lesser mmen than her.


im of a similar ilk, youre a long time dead and theres plenty time then to catch up on shut eye.

You forgot the Scots as well

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Every other day last week felt like a Saturday what with going to all the fitba or lying on ma ribs watching coupons go tits up. As for sleeping, I have the most physical job in the building game, without a shadow of a doubt, and when I haven't been working I always have more trouble than usual getting my 5-6 hrs. I'll be off the drink again come Sunday so that'll help, but by fuck I've got a few to go through before then.

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I lose track of days during Christmas holidays, but in large part this is due to sleeping often, long, deep and well.


Sleeping is one of the few things I am good at, many people seem to lose the knack with age. I am known as an "accomplished sleeper" among family and friends. Some of them pretend to be disgusted with my ability to sleep for ages, but I know its really just because they are unhappy with their own sleeps.

Accomplished sleeper = dope fiend.

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Last 5 or 6 nights my sleep pattern has been abso fucked up, wakening up every 30-45 minutes, all night. then I go for a piss regardless if I am needing.


Never an issue when on the booze, yet when you go all detox, healthy and exercise daily, it goes to fuk.


The melatonin will be getting double dunted tonight

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It gives the full benefits of a proper sleep, helping you to waken up and not feel like you have a hangover.



How did you feel after you woke from the 3 hour nap ?



As for my double dunting the 2 x 10mg Melatonin last night, waste of time, other than filling my head with lucid mental thoughts as I tried to get to sleep.

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How did you feel after you woke from the 3 hour nap ?



As for my double dunting the 2 x 10mg Melatonin last night, waste of time, other than filling my head with lucid mental thoughts as I tried to get to sleep.

I felt brilliant but it hit me later on when i went to bed at 11 and never fell asleep until after 12 but I now know it's a 90mins max nap.


My dreams have been unreal of late, from staying at the place where the BDO darts is on and sharpening pencils to getting chased around Laurencekirk after getting stuck with the supporters bus on the way back from a game, makes you wonder really.

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  • 10 months later...


You are supposedly meant to sleep in cycles of 90 minutes.



In 2001, he [historian Roger Ekirch of Virginia Tech] published a groundbreaking paper based on 16 years of research, which revealed something quite amazing: humans did not evolve to sleep through the night in one solid chunk. Until very recently, they slept in two stages. Shazam.


In his book At Day’s Close: Night in Times Past, Ekrich presents over 500 references to these two distinct sleep periods, known as the “first sleep” and the “second sleep,” culled from diaries, court records, medical manuals, anthropological studies, and literature, including The Odyssey. Like an astrolabe pointing to some forgotten star, these accounts referenced a first sleep that began two hours after dusk, followed by waking period of one or two hours and then a second sleep.


This waking period, known in some cultures as the “watch,” was filled with everything from bringing in the animals to prayer. Some folks visited neighbors. Others smoked a pipe or analyzed their dreams. Often they lounged in bed to read, chat with bedfellows, or have much more refreshing sex than we modern humans have at bedtime. A 16th-century doctor’s manual prescribed sex after the first sleep as the most enjoyable variety.


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Sleep is fickle. When I'm experiencing creative bursts of genius, I can't sleep. It gets in the way. The inspiration won't allow it.


Most of the year however, I can sleep for Scotland and I very rarely see dawns.

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