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Chinese Are Fussy Eaters?


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Just reading a news thing about the Chinese recalling tons of Donkey meat because it might be tainted with.... fox meat.




They're eating Donkey and they're worried that there might be fucking fox meat in it?


If you're dining out on what is essentially a third rate horse should you really be turning your nose up at what is, to all intents and purposes, a first rate dog?


I think the Chinese haven't quite got a handle on 'pretending to be posh' just yet. They kind of know how high-falutin' rich westerners behave, but they haven't quite figured out the right context.


"Sir, I believe there may have been some squirrel in the rat meat I ordered this morning! What does your establishment intend to do about it?"


"We could pish on it so it all tastes the same?"


"Splendid work!"


There you have it.. the Chinese... Kelts 'Minks o the Week'.



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Are the shoes and thon reed bootees on the corrugated roof of that sheddie shoppie there for aesthetic purposes or do the incumbents think that they will hud doon said corrugated iron roof wi the stanes and assorted make weights next time Cyclone Vernon decides to blow by?


OT, some of the stuff these chappies consume is certainly not to my palette but the shite they serve up here is probably nae worse than deid donkey or fox.


Chicken feet - gadzzz!


Ps Vernon is an actual Cyclone name.


Pity the one at Pittodrie isna kent for wreaking havoc these days

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Yet neen o them are fat? I think sooking the gristle aff o chicken feet and eating onythin that moves might be the way forward.


I spend half my life in China and can categorically state that there are plenty fat Chinese folk. The Western way of eating shite such as KFC's, McDonalds, BK and Pizza Hut is slowly catching up with them now. Expect them to get fatter, heavier and more unhealthy with each new generation.


More disgusting than what they eat is there constant howking, spitting and picking their noses. We sat in a decent restaurant last night and our waitress stared into space and picked her nose for a good two minutes before one of our party shouted, 'hoy you, give us a wave when you reach the bridge' Manky bastards.


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Kelt, I bought a bag of frozen sausage rolls from Tesco the other day, 50 for a quid, would have went for the value range at 88p for 50 if my daughter had not been in tow, she gave a horse meat warning when I opened the freezer door, I think the only difference probably was a fancier bag.


Fuck knows what was in them but at 2p a pop they were quite nice, horse, fox, donkey, I'm nae bothered, they were tasty.


Just eating a sausage and egg Mcmuffin now , again have no idea what is in the deeeeelish sausage pate, nae much meat I'm sure but I don't care much, it was cheap. :)

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I was hardly saying that nobody in the whole country was fat. It was a generalism and although it's been a while since I've been, I'm pretty sure that the west will be winning the fat wars. Agree that mankiness is the default state of being for the chinks in China. I lived in Hong Kong for six years but the Chinese who have emigrated are mostly successful. Hard-working they might be but I wouldn't want to be studying the insides of their underwear nor having to clean their kitchens. Clatty cunts.

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I tiled the roof of this gadgies new hoose outside Glenboig a few years ago ( another tax free, not declared earner of which we of the building game are partial too) and he had just returned after a few years in China. He had been overseeing a contract to build railways by Plessey. 2 things he mentioned will always stick with me. The first that the Chinese will eat anything that the sun shines on and that when he asked for a JCB he was told he could have 30,000 men with 30,000 picks and shovels but nae JCB.

( I may have posted this before )

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There was some auld Chinese (Asian, I'm assuming Chinese) going, "Hee hee, Bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi!" in a high pitched voice at our loon in Meijer yesterday. I responded with a cheerie "Aye aye, quine." but she didn't understand the Queen's Doric of a'.


Any Chinese speakers want to translate for me?

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I.m fluent in several languages, Chinese being one of them.


What she said was "Look there's that fanny who can't speak American yet wants to be one."




You know, I'm no psychiatrist, but I'm pretty sure stalking and obsession are likely not the sign of a healthy mind.


I think the state of your mental health is no real secret to us by this point, however, so I guess I'm being redundant in pointing this out.



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It's you who's following me around, probably with your little yankee penis hanging out yer spaiver.


There you go, a nice Doric word for you.





Go and stick up some weird and wonderful you tube vid for us. it's one of your favourite ways of attempting to get noticed....




On the contrary, you've been whining after me like a wee puppy dog for a couple of days now.


But, hey, if that's how you deal with your problems then carry on... I'm just glad I can help :)

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There was some auld Chinese (Asian, I'm assuming Chinese) going, "Hee hee, Bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi bi!" in a high pitched voice at our loon in Meijer yesterday. I responded with a cheerie "Aye aye, quine." but she didn't understand the Queen's Doric of a'.


Any Chinese speakers want to translate for me?

Kelt, I love the Vietnamese soup places in the colonies but walking doon Dalry and Gorgie Rd today just underlined how soooo cosmopolitan simply everywhere has become, and the Tyskie was something just to die for.

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there constant howking, spitting and picking their noses.


Having lived for many years in an area with a significant chinese population, I can attest to this social issue. (You can tell immediately if they are Scots-Chinese, who grew up here, of if they grew up in China, depending if they are picking their nose or not, at any given moment.)


The Chinese Government issued guidance to Chinese tourists, asking them not to howk and spit everywhere when abroad, as it was giving the country a bad name.


They are fighting to change this culture - in Guangzhou, you can be evicted from your home if caught spitting repeatedly.

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