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Threats To Aberdeen Fc Probed

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It is just the media trying to keep it going. Another nothing incident on the back of a nothing incident. It's getting ridiculous. No old firm tribalism so we need to create it elsewhere so we can sell papers and tickets.


I agree and its taking the fuckers a long time to produce evidence of the Neil Lennon claims

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Lol, fa sends an angry email to a Fitba club?

Afc, I'm gan to smash you all.

What do you actually write in a threatening message, threatening enough to get the PoPo involved? It's pretty funny!

I've heard it's a bit stronger than that.


Cut throat razor sent via courier with a message stating it'll be used against a player next time it's seen.


Pretty fucking grim that like.

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Well Celtic fans managed to maintain the moral high ground for about a week. Must be a new record for them.


Seriously though that is grim. There is always one or two nutters out there, and I think Police Scotland should be probing Chick Young and Lennons agent for their irresponsible role in this.


Hopefully those allied with Celtic will now realise that a whole football club cannot be blamed for 1 or 2 idiots, unless of course they want to take the blame for this.

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It is just the media trying to keep it going. Another nothing incident on the back of a nothing incident. It's getting ridiculous. No old firm tribalism so we need to create it elsewhere so we can sell papers and tickets.




Just more pish to get idiots stirred up to outdo each other.


Ignore it all. Ignore Lennon, Ignore Cetlic.


We've got much better things to focus on.

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