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Valentines: Rip-Off?


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Had a brilliant stomach-busting romantic pan-asian buffet yesterday with the other half - much better than buying her chocolates and flowers. It was as much as you can scoff for £7.99. Washed it down with a couple of pints of San Miguel (of all things!). All in, £22. Bargain. But then went to a bar and paid £20 for a couple of Valentines Special champagne and peach brandy cocktails. Did the barman see me coming and do you think I was ripped off cos it was 'Valentines day'? Did you get ripped off too?

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Me and Mrs Byen usually exchange cairds.

This year she said she had bought a little something for me. So therefore there was pressure on me to do the same. She implied she had just spent a few quid, ie. just a wee token of her affection.


After work Friday eh nipped in to a bakery she likes, got a wee muffin she likes complete with a little heart on top. It was no cheap. Job done.


Come home, and she presents a bag with a selection of all my favourite beers, chocolates and the like, she'd really gone to town. Eh offer up a shitey wee muffin. If looks could kill.....


So eh went right back down the hill to pick up the proverbial rose bouquet and then on to pick up an Indian (no Rumpus' one). Interestingly enough these roses were cheaper than 5 days earlier on Mother's Day. Thieving bastards :angry2:


The day was saved went eh presented the roses. So all in all oor bank account was 80 quid lighter for this pile of commercialised shite.


Cairds only next year.

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