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They smoke cigarettes.


Not them all. Daytripping beagle does, rocket beagle used to but seen the light, boof beagle never has (presumably, looking at it's hair fur).


Bring up a dog correctly and chances are it won't start smoking. I caught my Aberdeenshire Terrier with a 10 of JP No. 6 the other day though, the cunt.

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Daytripping beagle is a good few years younger than rocket beagle, if he stops in the future it will be at an earlier age than rocket did.


Getting back to the point, you don't want to get a beagle pup, nothing but trouble, what you really want is a well trained 6 year old Jack Russell. Funnily enough I have one going spare at the moment, free to a good home as well. PM me if interested.

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Harcus, that was funny.


Another advantage is that they look depressed all the time so you can't but feel better about yourself: -




Imagine coming home after a shit day and seeing that depressed-looking cunt.

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Harcus, that was funny.


Another advantage is that they look depressed all the time so you can't but feel better about yourself: -




Imagine coming home after a shit day and seeing that depressed-looking cunt.


That's not a beagle.

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a work colleague of mine has 2. Says he learnt the hard way by just having one and it was a bit of a nightmare, with 2 they keep one another company and don't tend to bark or howl the same. Also said he was turned away from a dog training class as soon as the instructor saw the beagle, told him not to waste his money as they're pretty much untrainable.

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As its been said above, Beagles are very hard work and they don't just bark, they can howl but they are great dogs & very stubborn, however if they get a scent then you might as well not there!


Get a Dalmatian, but a male, as its far easier than the female, I know as I've got both and the female is attention seeking and very needy, whereas the male is chilled and relaxed!

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As its been said above, Beagles are very hard work and they don't just bark, they can howl but they are great dogs & very stubborn, however if they get a scent then you might as well not there!


Get a Dalmatian, but a male, as its far easier than the female, I know as I've got both and the female is attention seeking and very needy, whereas the male is chilled and relaxed!


Iraq min. I ken fuck all about dogs. We have an Aberdeenshire Terrier bitch, from a puppy, about 10 months old I guess. It's my first but the wife's folks had "scotty dogs" so she wanted one. What's your opinion/experiences of this breed?


I love it. Really great nature. Strong as fuck jaws. Great character. Loves kids and other dogs. Wants to play with our cats who were scared of it at first but don't even move now, but we keep them separated. I've never liked dogs but I love this bitch. Barks and jumps at the telly all the time if there's horses or other dogs or whatever the fuck on, but that's the only downside.

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Get a Dalmatian, but a male, as its far easier than the female, I know as I've got both and the female is attention seeking and very needy, whereas the male is chilled and relaxed!




Male Dalmatians are chilled and relaxed?


Known as one of the breeds that are extremely hard work. Males are always harder than females to deal with, the balls make sure of that. Dalmatians are also known for loosing confidence when chopped, catch 22. Do them and you can end up with a dog that is unsociable, will attack other dogs and bark at people when on a lead, dont and you can have a dog that does everything you can to be no 1 in the house.


They also dont settle down until 8 or 9.


Dalmatians are not a dog for first timers.



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Anyone had a Beagle or had friends that had a Beagle. Looking into getting a puppy and a Beagle is top of the list. Heard they are hard work?


Beagles communicate everything they see, so they bark all the time. You can train them to just bark once, or yelp, but they bark ALL THE TIME.

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Parents have one and I think he's a cracking dog. Really need to train them as pups to get them in shape though.


As has been said, no way can you walk them off the lead, their noses are so sensitive that they latch on to every smell and want to follow it.


Don't get the howling/barking thing people are saying. I look after him for a month while my parents go abroad and only time he's heard is if he wants in from the garden. He happily plays fetch, but doesn't get the concept of giving whatever you're using to fling back.


Like I say, train them as pups and they are great dogs.

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I've heard that they're great dogs but are quite mischievous too, nothing nasty though

My work mate telt me his Beagle opened the oven,put on a pair of oven gloves,removed a piping hot steak pie, before devouring the lot, with several slices of buttered bread. The Mutt then washed, dried then put away the dishes. The only clue as what happened to the Desperate Dan size pie was the rapturous farts that thundered from the wee dug's dung pipe for 12 hrs.

I cannae believe a dug could butter bread, likes.

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