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Hi Rumpus Here


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Hi, rumpds here,


Where I work I hang about with arguably the drunkest cunt you'd ever wish to meet. He's from from the mighty Mo, not that igived af uck about Montrose ever in my life.


He hates noraml footabll like fit we dee, but loves Scotalnd. We're a Jock Thomsons.



Anyway and to get back to the point..., this cunt can drink 5 bottles of wine in an afternoon before even thinking of where we're going for evening entertainment, the fucker drinks at 8am before we go to clients meetingfs.


Anyway way to get back to the point: he shaves under his armpits and shaves his pubis montis and his cock.


Even though hes a fat sweaty cunt he thinks that anyone that doesnt shave said areas are possibly unhygenic.



Myself, I let a girl shave me once and it was like velcro gripping my underwear when it grerw back in, really swore/



Never again.


As much as I like shaving women, I have pubic hair which wiould fear a rhinocerous.


Blokes don't shave, that's for women to have freshly powedered/ oiled girlie bits and oxsters. not for us men.











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Hi Rumpus, cow here min.


It's such a good thread, I've little to add to it. Indeed my agreement is so absolute, I could have written it myself.


If it's below the adams apple no razor touches it. I has a pesky hair that grows on my forehead that I have to pluck approx every 40-45 days. But it's an easy job and I usually celebrate by having a slice of Mr Kipling.
















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