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A great bloke I know through work died on Saturday through this disease, not a drinker or smoker, early 50's, it also took my best mates dad last year, again not old, early 60's and lived a healthy lifestyle.


In this day and age and the money thrown at it why can't we find a cure for this disease? I've read that too much money is flowing into curing the disease and it would be financial suicide for the research people to come up with the silver bullet. The more I think of this the more I think it may be true.


They seem to have pretty much cured the disease started by african monkey shaggers (aids) but this has been going on for decades, why are people still dying from it.


We allegedly put man on the moon as boofs best mate will testify but we can't solve a tumour growing in the wrong place, I don't get it.


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A great bloke I know through work died on Saturday through this disease, not a drinker or smoker, early 50's, it also took my best mates dad last year, again not old, early 60's and lived a healthy lifestyle.


In this day and age and the money thrown at it why can't we find a cure for this disease? I've read that too much money is flowing into curing the disease and it would be financial suicide for the research people to come up with the silver bullet. The more I think of this the more I think it may be true.


They seem to have pretty much cured the disease started by african monkey shaggers (aids) but this has been going on for decades, why are people still dying from it.


We allegedly put man on the moon as boofs best mate will testify but we can't solve a tumour growing in the wrong place, I don't get it.



A few years back I had cause to do some reading up on cancer, and I would say you're absolutely, 100% correct to believe that there's no real incentive to 'cure' cancer.


B17 is believed to be a natural way of attacking cancer cells... it's found in apricot seeds. So the American pharmaceutical companies lobbied to have the sale of 'untreated' apricot seeds banned. They got them banned.


Later it was discovered that B17 is found in bitter almonds... so the American pharmaceutical companies lobbied to have the sale of untreated almonds banned. They got them banned... and the almonds on sale are now 'pasteurised', or in other words free of B17.


Almonds are pasteurised using a chemical that... ironically.. is believed to be carcinogenic.


Not only is the pharmaceutical industry not looking for a cure they're going out of their way to prevent one.


There's fuck all money in curing you... there's a lot of money to be made from selling you ineffective drugs, radiation treatment, and chemotherapy.


Now whether or not B17 does in fact cure cancer is open to debate... but the fact of the matter is that it MIGHT... and that was all that was needed to have the pharma companies go after it like a fucking attack dog.

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Thanks for that start Kelt, I'm going to look into the info you gave me.


The cure cancer and stop fucking about starts here. Every week in the Mail you read a story of a break through but it comes to fuck all, this is not a complicated disease, a kidney cell finds its way to the lung and starts growing a new kidney, we must have the ability to zap the fucker or stop it happening in the first place, we're being conned.


The fight starts here folks, Afc chat will be mentioned alongside the bloke who found penicillin and the mannie who invented tv in years to come.

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A great bloke I know through work died on Saturday through this disease, not a drinker or smoker, early 50's, it also took my best mates dad last year, again not old, early 60's and lived a healthy lifestyle.




All that can be said now is that they aren't suffering anymore mate. Cancer is a c**t, it took my mother in law earlier this year and to be honest with you I'm glad it took her soon - I didn't want to see her suffer that horrible affliction anymore - wife was very much of the same mind.


There's fuck all money in curing you... there's a lot of money to be made from selling you ineffective drugs, radiation treatment, and chemotherapy.



Sadly, I make you right here. Same goes for HIV as well.

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I sat in a chemo ward on a number of occasions, and it's not unusual to see a patient have an adverse reaction to the poison they're having pumped into them.


These drugs literally kill cells arbitrarily, not just cancer cells but healthy cells. There's nothing subtle or targeted about chemotherapy. It's a case of, "We'll pump you full of poison, and hopefully the cancer cells will die faster than you. If not, you're fucked."


I've no doubt that there are, if not cures, highly effective treatments for cancer that have been lab and field tested. I'm equally certain they're being withheld.


Because money.

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Cancer is a cunt like!


Took my dad couple years ago at 53, didn't smoke or drink heavily, healthy lifestyle apart fae stress oh having me as a son. To See yer old man reduced tae a bag oh bones is not a nice thing to see.

They gave him this new drug apparently that was supposed to be cutting edge gave him a year when they said it would be months.


I am a firm believer in that it can be cured, but as the pharmaceutical companies along with the Oil companies bring in so much much money they can lobby to have any cures or other means of Energy covered up.


All it takes is a little research online to see plenty theories on the subject.


If yer looking Boofon Aliens defiantly help Build the Pyramids asweel!


Am big in the conspiracy theory game.

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Bloke from my work started acting erratically a few weeks ago. Turns out he has a "massive inoperable brain tumour." Problem with this is that by the time the symptoms show and you get checked out - it's too late. I doubt he'll still be round in a couple of months time. Damn shame, has a 16 year-old daughter, new girlfriend he's head over heels with and everything to live for.


Are companies withholding effective treatments? Wow, that would be harsh - especially since those in the know would undoubtedly have family affected by the disease. There may be money to be made with ineffective treatments - but you could charge and make even more for something that worked.


Did they withhold the telly because of good wireless sales?

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I lost a workmate last week. He had been feeling poorly for a few months. Mostly massive indigestion so severe he couldn't eat.

THey opened him up 2 weeks ago..cancer of the stomach way too far gone..stitched the poor bastard up sent him home with a load of morphine dead in 6 days.

He was a health freak one of those "paleo-diet" persons.

Which is why I don't even bother being "healthy" I eat what I want drink alcohol and just do my thing.

haven't seen a doctor in years . I feel fine..as long as I don't KNOW will be OK.

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I don't know if corporations are withholding but as Kelts says there a LOAD of money to be made by not finding a cure.

And anyway like 90% of money goes to breast cancer here..they are always running for the cure..always .\

Iyts a huge industry for "non=profits"..except some people get very very wealthy using non-profits and they pay off the politicians.

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My niece in Holland died of a brain tumour. She was 7 or 8. Fucking tragic is an understatement. Pumped her so full of steroids that she was almost unrecognisable. Did they help? Did they fuck.


Kelt's post about the pharmaceuticals industry ensuring we're dependant on them is completely true I'm convinced. Cancer gets more money thrown at it than anything else. I've read "conspiracies" about effective drugs being withheld. The pharmaceuticals industry creates customers not healthy people. There's no money in a planet full of healthy folk cutting about feeling great.


I've read a lot of claims that hemp attacks cancer cells. Whether that's just something the stoners are claiming I don't know.

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I am sorry for the lose of the wee girl, brought a tear to my eye. Lost two myself.

I dunno if its a conspiracy and modern science has made a great impact on human life and longevity. Back in the Iron age your were a lucky old man if you lived to 40.

But I feel at this stage money has taken over from making human life better..and that is not a good thing.

Its terrible here in The States and it looks like unless there is a Yes vote it will become the same in the British Isles.

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Cancer is a cunt like!


Took my dad couple years ago at 53, didn't smoke or drink heavily, healthy lifestyle apart fae stress oh having me as a son. To See yer old man reduced tae a bag oh bones is not a nice thing to see.

They gave him this new drug apparently that was supposed to be cutting edge gave him a year when they said it would be months.


I am a firm believer in that it can be cured, but as the pharmaceutical companies along with the Oil companies bring in so much much money they can lobby to have any cures or other means of Energy covered up.


All it takes is a little research online to see plenty theories on the subject.


If yer looking Boofon Aliens defiantly help Build the Pyramids asweel!


Am big in the conspiracy theory game.

Poor auld reekie.

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I am sorry for the lose of the wee girl, brought a tear to my eye. Lost two myself.

I dunno if its a conspiracy and modern science has made a great impact on human life and longevity. Back in the Iron age your were a lucky old man if you lived to 40.

But I feel at this stage money has taken over from making human life better..and that is not a good thing.

Its terrible here in The States and it looks like unless there is a Yes vote it will become the same in the British Isles.



It's cliché I know but it couldn't be more true: Money is the root of all evil.

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Killed my gran, two uncles and my cousin has it aswell right now, it's absolutely horrible, I donate money each month to cancer research, read most of their emails or letters with new info they send in but I am starting to believe that they are deliberatly avoiding the actual cure due to the money all the drug sales make, I've also read up on the good that Cannabis does in killing some of the cells, again the huge pharmaceutical companies are doing their best to stop this.


Another thing, slightly off topic but since AIDS was mentioned, maybe best to give this a read http://topinfopost.com/2013/12/27/the-man-who-created-aids-robert-gallo

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Hope you're also dishing out the facebook likes too.

Haha, I tend not to mention it, one of the main reasons I get annoyed at the once a year charity cunts and those attention seeking with their social media stuff, the charity still need the money every week or month, fair enough some raise thousands over a 3month period then do fuck all for a year, it's no real use.

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I've never heard of it. Someone should start an awareness Facebook page.


The very reason I started this topic, If it makes even one person aware (which it has with you) of the awful disease then it was not in vain.


There's not enough people raising awareness of things these days, makes my blood boil.

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I've got less sympathy for the HIVers. Apart from the blood transfusion lot, those that contract HIV usually do so because of a lifestyle choice.


Wear a johnny when nailing sluts, don't do bum-love with pooves and don't share needles, then you should be pretty safe.


What about with consenting straight females?

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The very reason I started this topic, If it makes even one person aware (which it has with you) of the awful disease then it was not in vain.


There's not enough people raising awareness of things these days, makes my blood boil.



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My mates mum died of cancer when we were 14 or 15.


He actually urges people not to donate to Cancer Research UK as they test on animals.


Here is a list of charities in the UK and their status on it: http://www.animalaid.org.uk/h/n/CAMPAIGNS/experiments//281//


You can't bake a cake without cracking a few eggs, I say let the beagles and monkeys have it if it leads to a cure.

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