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New Scottish Labour Leader


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Any preferences as to who gets this?


I would never dream of voting Labour, but the very credible Jim Murphy would bring a bit of much needed gravitas to Holyrood. He would surely dominate planet-of-the-apes, when she takes over the SNP.


I am glad Johann Lamont is gone - pig-ignorant*, pig-ugly and with all the charisma of a fresh, steaming shite.


Her debates with Salmond reminded me of a drunk glasgow wifie screaming at her man outside the pub.


*I once wrote to her in her capacity as labour leader and she refused to engage with me, on grounds that I was not her constituent. (She didnt even return the naked selfies I had enclosed - cow).

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Who cares? Labour are dead. Ed Miiliband trying to eat bacon and gagging was hilarious.


The Scottish Labour party are an irrelevance, even though Fife keep on voting for them.


Gordon Brown is the sickest man in Europe. That cunt will probably get it. Makes no diff. Nae cunt takes him, or Labour, seriously.

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Just how credible can you call a man who was found to be letting out his London flat and at the same time claiming up to £20,000 of public money for renting a property near Westminster?


I'd like to take a big steaming shite in his fancy bog that he billed the taxpayers nearly £5,000 for.


Just saying.

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Jim Murphy spent NINE years at Strathclyde University.


Here's his graduation photo: -




He never graduated and he has NEVER had a job.


The man looks wrong. He speaks wrong. His background is wrong. He just is wrong.


And yet the scum in Kirkcaldy will ALWAYS vote Labour.

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Scroll up. Look at the map where Labour would have been left with only four seats.


One of them was Kirkcaldy, Gordon Brown.


The referendum was Yes or No. This was a different vote.


You're nae the brightest are ye?


And on a football forum, you never talk fitba. Weirdo.

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  • 2 months later...

In the first post on this thread, I described Murphy as "very credible".


I would like to retract that comment and instead describe him as a "dick".


Everything he has done and said since taking over Scottish Labour has been beneath contempt and so I clearly over-estimated him.


This stunt is just the icing on the cake.

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In the first post on this thread, I described Murphy as "very credible".


I would like to retract that comment and instead describe him as a "dick".


Everything he has done and said since taking over Scottish Labour has been beneath contempt and so I clearly over-estimated him.


This stunt is just the icing on the cake.


He's a classic example of a professional brown-noser, who has continually been sheltered from gainful employment in the real world and who has been promoted way beyond his abilities. That the Labour Party up here has been reduced to being "managed" by him and Keechier Dugdirt, is a terrible indictment on not only that party, but Scottish politics in general, as the SNP (competent though they are) have had no credible opposition in 8yrs and have no-one effectively holding them to account.

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That man is a fucking lier and Scottish hater

where was he yesterday when the vote over nuclear weapons was going on

The one good thing he is doing is proving to everyone that there is no difference between labour and Tory.


they remind me of what the old firm were like, they pretend to hate each other but the truth is they love the duopoly.

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