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Merry Christmas, Hatters!


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I'm half Swedish. My Jul's the 24th and I knew others would disappear from the board early as well, so I thought I'd start this thread for holiday wishes if people wanted to leave them.

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Boof! :wave:

Aye the Norwegians are bang into the 24th as well.


Strange people.


All the best chicken.

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I just feel a tad hypocritical as someone who has no belief celebrating a Christian event. If truth be known I'd rather have the days off at another time of year that is more suited to my own agenda. The hoose is going to be filled with bloody clutter with all the new toys the kids are getting. I am going to the charity shop next week with a few black bags full of the older toys. Bloody in-laws think they're being generous by sending piles of gifts for the kids, when in fact all they're doing is pissing me off. When the kids get a bit older I think they'll get a one present rule enforced.

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It's not really a Christian event, though. The Christians might have hijacked the festival and stuck on the name of their imaginary wizardman, but the winter festival has been celebrated by Europeans for thousands of years.


If anything the Christians should feel silly for pretending its to commemorate the birth of the wizardman.

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Better start this Xmas shopping today. Byraway, was in revolution last night, 12.60 for 2x vodka and ice and a Sol. Ats Christmas ruined like, fuck me min.


Hope you all do fit you want to dee though.



Special mention to Boof, Razor and Bluto, enjoy your day. #olivebranch


Web tonight for a few too many.

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I got told yesterday I've contributed nothing this year to Christmas.


Me pointing out every single penny for every present bought and the roof over your head while you eat the meal I paid for only made matters worse.


I slept in the living room last night.


Merry Xmas all.


So presumably no-one in the Cheesepipes household still believes in Santa Claus. Not after last night, certainly.

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