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Assisted Suicide


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It's a no brainer, got to be a yes but with proper controls.


Of sound mind, treble medical checks in place, no pushy kids after the family money or partner wanting rid of the other half quickly.


As Bluto alludes too, no medical staff putting pressure on an ill hard to look after patients to end it all to save them work.

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If it's being debated in the Scottish Government I expect it to quickly slip off the agenda with no new laws passed, they're only good for petty nanny state laws, nothing of any substance happens there, useless extra layer of government that should be chopped.



They're a like the dweebs who stand student union councils.



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Strongly against this, thanfully the SNP Govt are too, in a rare example of common sense from them.


No-one should be frightened of any aspect of life, including the end of life.


Life is a wonderful thing, wring every last second out of it and fear not.


Look at how the supposedly strict abortion controls have been completely discarded to create a de-facto abortion on demand system. So it would be too with euthanasia. After a few decades, people would be pressured to die at a certain age, or if they had a certain illness. it would be said they were selfish, if they didnt want to die.


There is absolutely no need for such legislation - if any scaredy cat is frightened about what may happen to them in future, they can easily kill themselves already. Its not a particularly difficult thing to do. And if dying means so much to them, they should have the guts to just do it - no need for the Government to put a veeneer of respectability on it.


Its that hideous scrote patrick harvie pushing this now - lets see him top himself, I will agree to the legislation if he agrees to lead by example, immediately.

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Strongly against this, thanfully the SNP Govt are too, in a rare example of common sense from them.


No-one should be frightened of any aspect of life, including the end of life.


Life is a wonderful thing, wring every last second out of it and fear not.


Look at how the supposedly strict abortion controls have been completely discarded to create a de-facto abortion on demand system. So it would be too with euthanasia. After a few decades, people would be pressured to die at a certain age, or if they had a certain illness. it would be said they were selfish, if they didnt want to die.


There is absolutely no need for such legislation - if any scaredy cat is frightened about what may happen to them in future, they can easily kill themselves already. Its not a particularly difficult thing to do. And if dying means so much to them, they should have the guts to just do it - no need for the Government to put a veeneer of respectability on it.


Its that hideous scrote patrick harvie pushing this now - lets see him top himself, I will agree to the legislation if he agrees to lead by example, immediately.


*shakes head*


Let's hope you're don't end up a paraplegic with no brain function causing all manner of financial and emotional stress on your family then...

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  • 4 weeks later...

wow. never thought this would happen.




The Supreme Court of Canada rules that some Canadians have the right to ask a doctor to help them die.

Ruling applies only to competent, consenting adults with enduring, intolerable suffering due to grievous, irremediable medical conditions.

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"a right to life, not a duty to live."


interestingly the Supreme Court judges in their ruling have included intolerable mental suffering. and it doesn't limit physician-assisted death to those suffering a terminal illness. it's my understanding that other countries, like the Netherlands, with end-of-life legislation, require that the person be suffering a terminal illness and that recovery is hopeless. but maybe not all countries? i don't know.


it'll be interesting to see how this all comes through in legislation in the next year, if it does.

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*shakes head*


Let's hope you're don't end up a paraplegic with no brain function causing all manner of financial and emotional stress on your family then...


(sorry I just saw this reply)


But someone with "no brain function" would be unable to articulate that they wanted assisted suicide.


I think the case you describe would be one for the courts, but you can how this a slippery slope, given the discussion has already progressed onto killing people who have not asked for assisted suicide.

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(sorry I just saw this reply)


But someone with "no brain function" would be unable to articulate that they wanted assisted suicide.


I think the case you describe would be one for the courts, but you can how this a slippery slope, given the discussion has already progressed onto killing people who have not asked for assisted suicide.

I think that's a viable argument. Not the greatest of things for people to be bumped off but if they're lying there with no hope of recovery then is there much else that should be done, regardless of whether the person is asking for it or not?

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I think that's a viable argument. Not the greatest of things for people to be bumped off but if they're lying there with no hope of recovery then is there much else that should be done, regardless of whether the person is asking for it or not?


I agree that such a situation needs resolved - but we have these situations right now and its resolved with the supervision of the courts, input from doctors and consent of the family.


No need for any additional legislation for such cases.


And remember we are learning about such cases all the time. Look at this story:


Some fella woke up after 12 years in a vegetative state and says that although he could not move/communicate etc, he was fully aware of everything going on around him.




As the article says, in recent years there have been a spate of cases like this, where "brain dead" people suddenly come-to and say they were fully-aware of what was happening the whole time.

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I agree that such a situation needs resolved - but we have these situations right now and its resolved with the supervision of the courts, input from doctors and consent of the family.


No need for any additional legislation for such cases.


And remember we are learning about such cases all the time. Look at this story:


Some fella woke up after 12 years in a vegetative state and says that although he could not move/communicate etc, he was fully aware of everything going on around him.




As the article says, in recent years there have been a spate of cases like this, where "brain dead" people suddenly come-to and say they were fully-aware of what was happening the whole time.


I'd rather die. I'd sooner die than have relatives and friends come visit me every day, or even worse have nobody visit me at all.

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I'm all for it, under the right circumstances. Having spent a good bit of last year helping care for a terminally ill relative (and who would have absolutely taken the option had it been available to her), I feel that every person under those circumstances should be able to choose when it's their time, rather than having bugger all quality of life before slowly suffocating to death.


Sadly, I don't see it ever coming to pass in this country. While royal assent of a law is a mere formality, the monarch, as head of state and head of the church in the country, could never be seen to grant it.

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Strongly against this, thanfully the SNP Govt are too, in a rare example of common sense from them.


No-one should be frightened of any aspect of life, including the end of life.


Life is a wonderful thing, wring every last second out of it and fear not.




Yep, It was fucking fantastic being at my mother in law's bedside as she was repeatedly convulsing, groaning and dribbling, due to the fact that fluid had built up around her brain and her kidneys had long since packed in. Since her kidneys had zero function the fluid in her body built up to a point that she was swollen and it started oozing from her pores. Only took two weeks for her to die due to the accumulation of poisons (and morphine) but by fuck my wife's family sure have some happy memories of living at the hospital those last couple of weeks of her life watching her die.

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And remember we are learning about such cases all the time. Look at this story:


Some fella woke up after 12 years in a vegetative state and says that although he could not move/communicate etc, he was fully aware of everything going on around him.




As the article says, in recent years there have been a spate of cases like this, where "brain dead" people suddenly come-to and say they were fully-aware of what was happening the whole time.


I'll take any article from that website with a large pinch of salt.


Who Produces LifeSiteNews?
The service was originally started by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), a Canadian national pro-life organization headquartered in Toronto, Canada
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Yep, It was fucking fantastic being at my mother in law's bedside as she was repeatedly convulsing, groaning and dribbling, due to the fact that fluid had built up around her brain and her kidneys had long since packed in. Since her kidneys had zero function the fluid in her body built up to a point that she was swollen and it started oozing from her pores. Only took two weeks for her to die due to the accumulation of poisons (and morphine) but by fuck my wife's family sure have some happy memories of living at the hospital those last couple of weeks of her life watching her die.


I don't think there's a better, or worse way that this argument could be made.

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Sadly, I don't see it ever coming to pass in this country. While royal assent of a law is a mere formality, the monarch, as head of state and head of the church in the country, could never be seen to grant it.


The "Chuch" of England is a fraud, hell the Monarch just gave asset to gay marriage.


Theres nothing the Church of England wouldnt agree to, if the UK Government demanded it of them.


The CofE is essentially a Government department.

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Yep, It was fucking fantastic being at my mother in law's bedside as she was repeatedly convulsing, groaning and dribbling, due to the fact that fluid had built up around her brain and her kidneys had long since packed in. Since her kidneys had zero function the fluid in her body built up to a point that she was swollen and it started oozing from her pores. Only took two weeks for her to die due to the accumulation of poisons (and morphine) but by fuck my wife's family sure have some happy memories of living at the hospital those last couple of weeks of her life watching her die.


Im not keen to comment / discuss personal stories, but with the greatest of respect this argument seems more about killing to save people to pain of watching loved ones die, than it is about people making a conscious choice for assisted suicide.


My argument you quoted said "life is great" - but here you are saying "dying sucks" and i agree it does.


My father in law died from cancer on 19th December, it wasnt much fun watching him waste away either. His arms and legs were scarely thicker than snooker ques, by the end of it.


He as diagnosed last May and given 6 months to live. Some people would have killed themselves immediately - but he stuck it out and was able to spend some quality time with his family (until it very close to the end). He got to see his grandsons 1st birthday and one of his daughters move into her new family home.


Anyway I am sorry for your loss.


All the best.

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I wouldnt!


We all must die sooner or later, but I would bet the guy who woke up after a few years in a coma was very glad he did and got to enjoy the rest of his life.

Three quotes from two parts of that article that really shake me are:




"No one will ever show me tenderness. No one will ever love me," he thought. "You are doomed."



"You don't really think about anything," Martin recalled. "You simply exist. It's a very dark place to find yourself because, in a sense, you are allowing yourself to vanish.


There's no way in hell I could come out the other side of that ok. To add to that, to be a burden for 12 years on my family would be hell. Every day I'd want to scream at them to just leave me and get on with their lives. To be the person that's ruined years of someone's being would be too much to live with.





Only moments before he was scheduled to be wheeled into the operating room to have his organs removed, a family member dug a fingernail under his toenail, causing a sudden reaction. The surgery was called off, and Zach recovered.


I have real doubts about this one. How on earth can a poke from a fingernail outdo the medical tests? Reading more into it, a family member brushed his knife along the bottom of his foot and he jerked his foot back. Surely the doctors and the family all tried similar things to determine whether he was responsive or not.


I'm not sure if there's anyone in the medical profession on here with experience of cases like this but I assume it's more than just asking if he can blink once a week.

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I'll take any article from that website with a large pinch of salt.


Who Produces LifeSiteNews?
The service was originally started by Campaign Life Coalition (CLC), a Canadian national pro-life organization headquartered in Toronto, Canada



Rather you should take anything in the mainstream media (or coming out of policiticans mouths) with a large pinch of salt.


Anything on that website is 100% accurate.


Lifesitenews produces itself, its a non-profit news organisation.


Here is stuff from their "about" page:


LifeSiteNews Principles

1. Accuracy in content is given high priority. News and information tips from readers are encouraged and validated. Valid corrections are always welcome. Writing and research is of a professional calibre.


(The mainstream media do not give accuracy or corrections high priority)




LifeSiteNews.com U.S. and Canada are now separate incorporated non-profit organizations, are not involved in direct political action and do not support or oppose political candidates or parties. LifeSiteNews is strictly a news and information service.



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Im not keen to comment / discuss personal stories, but with the greatest of respect this argument seems more about killing to save people to pain of watching loved ones die, than it is about people making a conscious choice for assisted suicide.


My argument you quoted said "life is great" - but here you are saying "dying sucks" and i agree it does.


My father in law died from cancer on 19th December, it wasnt much fun watching him waste away either. His arms and legs were scarely thicker than snooker ques, by the end of it.


He as diagnosed last May and given 6 months to live. Some people would have killed themselves immediately - but he stuck it out and was able to spend some quality time with his family (until it very close to the end). He got to see his grandsons 1st birthday and one of his daughters move into her new family home.


Anyway I am sorry for your loss.


All the best.


aye, there are some horrific ways people die. and i won't get into personal stories either.


but i think the point i'd make is, it's up to the person who's dying, if they're able to make a decision for themselves, to decide when they've had enough. your father-in-law may have felt those last months he spent on earth were worth the pain and suffering. others may decide it's not to them. and that should be their choice to make.


"a right to life. not a duty to live."


i'm not pro-suicide. i'm pro-choice. just like i am with abortions. i don't think either of those choices would be the right ones for me except under exceptional circumstances, but i don't for an instant believe it's my right to make that choice for someone else.

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