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Dave Cameron Shags Dead Pigs.


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Wouldn't surprise me, these boarding school tory twats get up to some weird shit as part of iinitiations.


There were a few lads from Eton and St. Pauls that stayed in my halls of residence, when I was a student at Edinburgh Uni. Some of the ritualistic behaviour and activities they used to indulge in were quite bizarre.


I'd never encountered these types of people before. Folk from that sort of background are completely detached from reality. They might as well be from another planet. It amazes me that the general public believe that the conservative party could possibly have any understanding or empathy for the average British citizen.

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...And both think they are entitled to rule but aren't meanly capable of pulling it off.


I can just imagine Cam's red sweaty face 'pulling it off' in to that pig's mouth.. :spunk:


But to be fair, a few pigs have pulled off my salty load. Is that a bit harsh on them? They seemed to like it..... :P:spunk:

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