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Playboy Magazine......


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.......is to stop publishing pictures of nudey women, in a quite remarkable move.


Changes also include "‘sex-positive female’ writing a sex column, art and more coverage of liquor."

I would have thought it better simply to close the magazine altogether, rather than go for this strange "death by 1,000 cuts" move. Its like What Car deciding its not going to write about car anymore.
I always viewed Playboy as a scud mag for people who thought they were too sophisticated for scud mags. (Much like burlesque is strippers for people who think they are too sophisticated for strippers).
That said, I was not above the odd copy in my formative years: Cindy Crawford, Pamela Anderson, Charlize Theron....you have got to hand it to Hefner, he had a good run.
His own life however is an interesting reflection of the magazine itself - just as the magazine has become passe, so too has he - a pathetic old man in a smoking jacket, paying young dolly birds to hang around, feign interest in him and empty his colostomy bag etc.
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