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Wogan charity fee defended by BBC

Terry Wogan pictured with Pudsey in 2001

Sir Terry's association with Children In Need going back 27 years

The BBC has said it is "not ashamed" of paying Sir Terry Wogan a fee for hosting the annual Children In Need charity fund-raising gala.

Sir Terry, who is the only celebrity to receive a fee, has been paid since he began presenting the show in 1980.


A BBC spokeswoman said the payment was "never remotely commercial" and came from the programme's budget and not from charitable funds.

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I liked his attitude when his tv work initially dried up (early 90's) and he moved to radio he got on with it and did it well and thereby got himself back on to mainstream tv regularly.


Compare the above to Michael Parkinson who presumably thought that he had the god-given right to be on mainstream telly indefinitely and is still bitter about being demoted to radio before, in fairness he did bounce back only to be bitter again on ITV.


RIP Terry.

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He still could be. Only in 'dead' form.


That's true.


He always looked like a nonce.


If I was a betting man, I'd be sticking money on the Chuckle Brothers or yon creep that drove the boat for Rosie and Jim to be the next outed peado.

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Oh dear, don't dead celebs normally turn out to be beasts not long after you declare your admiration for them?


Only the once... which probably doesn't qualify as 'normally'.


Little did we know that anyone associated with the BBC in the 70s was wrist deep in underage fanny as a matter of routine, though.


...though in Jimmy's case he was also sexually assaulting the sick, disabled and the dead.


He was a scallywag, right enough.

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