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What Is The Point Of A Beard, Evolutionarily Speaking?


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Researcher shows that beards probably evolved at least partly to help men boost their standing among other men.

A man’s ability to grow a fulsome beard isn’t actually neatly linked to his testosterone levels.

Despite this, a number of studies have suggested that both men and women perceive men with beards as older, stronger and more aggressive than others.

And dominant men can get more mating opportunities by intimidating rivals to stand aside

Beards are everywhere at present time.

Beards are for men who are to lazy to shave.

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Studies show that beards have several health benefits including improved immune system and better protection from the sun.


One study claimed that a beard can produce antibodies for certain infections.


Mainly though we evolved beards because females find them attractive. The hairless face gene all but disappeared from our gene pool many moons ago because those poor sods couldnt get a ride.

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Researcher shows that beards probably evolved at least partly to help men boost their standing among other men.

A man’s ability to grow a fulsome beard isn’t actually neatly linked to his testosterone levels.

Despite this, a number of studies have suggested that both men and women perceive men with beards as older, stronger and more aggressive than others.

And dominant men can get more mating opportunities by intimidating rivals to stand aside

Beards are everywhere at present time.

Beards are for men who are to lazy to shave.


You sound like one of these guys that can only grow a patchy 15 year olds Amish type beard.


What is it with guys with massive cocks. Swagger about the place like they are fkn Gods gift to wumin

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According to an Australian university study, women are DONE with face whiskers and now prefer their men to be clean shaven. The reason? We FLOODED THE MARKET!! Beards became too fashionable and soon every hipster and “lumbersexual” had one. They’ve lost their charm. But they could be useful ( see above )

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