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Bbc Scottish Football Documentary

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Just checking my eyesight isn't failing me ,

Whilst watching this program I could nearly be certain I witnessed rangers fans embroiled in a pitch invasion which included wrecking goalposts,

Obviously the said hun cunts were provoked and were just defending their players who were attacked and assaulted.

Taped this shit expecting a Celtic and The Rangers love fest. Judging by some twitter comments so far I may be right. No comment until I see the program,

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The focus was mainly on the OF, but given the topic this week was money and religion, and the roles its played in those clubs, not really a surprise. Thought it was actually decent.


Hadn't realized that the Dundee teams were so close to merging.


Can remember Celtic fans used to go nuts about McCann not paying big money for players - hailed as a hero now by them now for not doing so.


Will be interesting next week when they focus on the TV deals, particularly the SPL TV that the Old Firm pulled the plug on in 2002, which led to other teams getting reduced money from Sky.

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The focus was mainly on the OF, but given the topic this week was money and religion, and the roles its played in those clubs, not really a surprise. Thought it was actually decent.


Hadn't realized that the Dundee teams were so close to merging.


Can remember Celtic fans used to go nuts about McCann not paying big money for players - hailed as a hero now by them now for not doing so.


Will be interesting next week when they focus on the TV deals, particularly the SPL TV that the Old Firm pulled the plug on in 2002, which led to other teams getting reduced money from Sky.

I mind my old man arguing with a Tim family on holiday a few years after McCann had left as they claimed he had held them back and was to blame for Rangers getting 9 in a row. They didn't seem to understand that he had kept them alive.

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I mind my old man arguing with a Tim family on holiday a few years after McCann had left as they claimed he had held them back and was to blame for Rangers getting 9 in a row. They didn't seem to understand that he had kept them alive.



Those Tims will feel like fools now, given that liquidation isn't applicable to football clubs.

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Guest the shepherd

The documentary was unsurprisingly so biased towards celtic and rangers and did its best to condone and glorify the sectarian nonsense and man-love that has went on historically between these two vile institutions. It really had fuck all to do with football.

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I wouldn't waste my time watching this.


I assume its with the same small minded shite that BBC Scotland always view our game?


I had to laugh when they got Billy Brown on a call in the other day to talk about coaching and he was slaughtering the club they had been discussing (can't recall if it was hearts or whatever). But basically he harked on about what they did in the old days - as if this is some sort of panacea for success in 2016. Scottish Sports pack are small minded fucktards really - what fucking use is the opinion of someone like Billy Brown?


They did something similar on a recent discussion about the new Scottish Sports Performance Center where there was a strong undercurrent of "we didn't need this in the 60's so its a waste of time now" - which is fucking ridiculous.


What these dickheads seem to struggle to understand is that we don't live in the fucking 60's and the world has changed hugely since then.


But they are too busy brown nosing dinosaurs like Walter Smith or Craig Brown or Billy Brown to accept these guys are about the past not the future of our game.

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The irony in everything spoken about by journalists was unreal.


It fucking irked my happiness.




Should have stayed well clear like I did.


Its just more shite to appease OF fans who know fuck all about football and try to perpetuate the idea that Scotland are relevant as a football nation.


Which we aren't in any way.


EDIT: I suppose what I'm getting at is everyone involved in our game spends far too much time looking back and there is absolutely fuck all well thought out plan or effort going into looking forward. Its all just nostalgic bullshit to ease the pain of the masses and keep them from opening their eyes and realising what a footballing shitehole scotland has become under the tenure of these coaches, clubs, governing bodies and sports journos. The fact our media worship utter cretins like W Smith says it all really.

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I couldn't criticise the "dependent on the old firm" thing in so far as the other clubs including ourselves were quite happy to be carried along by it. Confess I'd forgotton about the original TV deal farrago where the ugly sisters genuinely did turn us over despite Mitchell's pathetic wee attempt to latterly turn it the other way.


But you're back to the big question. Its fine to be carried along by a myth/bandwagon/debacle etc as long as that is working for all. Personally I don't think it was and I'll never meekly accept crumbs from anyone's table but the clubs decided to ride on the devils coat-tails for better or worse.


However one cheek of the devil turned out to be placing officials, breaking rules, garnering unfair playing and financial advantage and were deliberately obstructing a legitimate tax investigation. They were doing it for 10 years plus. The other clubs only response in the programme:


Thomson (Utd) "the fans werenae buying season tickets."


Really? REALLY? that's all you took from that whole episode? You were cheated. You were supposedly competing on a playing field more uneven than Alloa's synthetic pish. You had the cunts simultaneously by the throat and the knackers. And your sole contribution was "The fans didn't appear to be happy."


No shit Sherlock.

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Should have stayed well clear like I did.


Its just more shite to appease OF fans who know fuck all about football and try to perpetuate the idea that Scotland are relevant as a football nation.


Which we aren't in any way.


EDIT: I suppose what I'm getting at is everyone involved in our game spends far too much time looking back and there is absolutely fuck all well thought out plan or effort going into looking forward. Its all just nostalgic bullshit to ease the pain of the masses and keep them from opening their eyes and realising what a footballing shitehole scotland has become under the tenure of these coaches, clubs, governing bodies and sports journos. The fact our media worship utter cretins like W Smith says it all really.


Ummm.... it's our slide into footballing irrelevance which sparked these programmes! They covered this right from the introduction to the first one. I'm a bit perplexed that you failed to pick up on this, it's a recurring theme of the programmes and you're normally one of the more astute commentators on here.


I've enjoyed both so far, not really telling us anything new but certainly not pulling any punches. And neither arse-cheek emerges with much credit at all; Celtic fans made to look utterly cretinous with their booing of Fergus McCann, and Rangers fans for their proposed 'boycott' of Ibrox after the Mo Johnstone saga (aye aye, wonder how long that lasted then), and then the entire team giving it laldy to some of the choicer elements of the Rangers songbook when celebrating a title win whilst waiting to be interviewed by Chick Dung (who at least had the good grace to look embarrassed).


The next one, focussing on the national team, is bound to be utterly depressing... :suicide:

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