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England v Spain


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"The refs got it in for Crouch"


Oh, Lawrenson please! Spare us your moanin sh*te.



It's clear from listening to the Lawrenson and Motson they've no idea about any football other than the Premiership, Motson said earlier that Ranieri was the manger of Valencia, when he was sacked 2 years ago!!


Also love the way that Motson nearly wets himself everytime an engerlun player gets the ball in the box, only for them to miss-control the ball seconds later

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Steve McLaren earlier today when the the media expected an england win:


were just using this match as an oppertunity to see new players and how they can fit into the squad


2 mins after a 1-0 defeat:


nobody ever likes to lose but it was always going to be a difficult game when you look at the players we were missing tonight.



Hes a tool, and i agree with Macaronni

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linked to my earlier comment, having just seen the interview again on sky sports news...


we were missing alot of top players for this game but theyll be back for the Israel game and it should be a different result.


essentially meaning this band of sh*te isnt good enough and ive only played them because i like to cave to the media over everything ie captaincy, beckham, barton...

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England are very average. It's about time some of their players realised that they are over-rated and over-paid.


Wankers. :tossr:



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England sorely miss a midfield worker in teh Paul Ince mould in my opinion. Hargreaves is perhaps that player, or perhaps Joey Barton could fill that void on occasion. And the longer they go without offering any threat on either flank, the more apparent it is that they are also missing Beckham. Many may think he's not international quality, but Downing is the best option they have wide left.


They've tried too hard to accommodate players in their line-up as opposed to fitting the right players into the system. Puyol had the cigars out with the deadly strike pairing of Crouch and Dyer! I'm beginning to think that we have better depth in terms of striking options than England.

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i think they miss Paul Scholes. But then, it's their own stupid fault for playing the guy out of position for so long and the press getting on his back about it when it's clearly not his fault. Then he's not there anymore and they all realise that they were wrong. And now exactly the same thing is happening with Beckham. It's just typical England.


The fans (and press) get the team they deserve.

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Did anyone notice Lampard scratching his bollocks as he was coming off for Joey Baton??


Yeah... a right howk of the sweaty's.... and Barton obviously saw it coz he only barely managed contact when they high fived...


Lampard is a mink


I bet he never plays for England under Bill McLaren ever again after that perfrmance... any takers on that book?

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Did anyone notice Lampard scratching his bollocks as he was coming off for Joey Baton??


Yeah... a right howk of the sweaty's.... and Barton obviously saw it coz he only barely managed contact when they high fived...


Lampard is a mink


I bet he never plays for England under Bill McLaren ever again after that perfrmance... any takers on that book?


why would he choose to drop him now? he's been playing like that for the last year and still not been dropped. He's one of the untouchables in that team.

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Read this in the guardians daily sport round-up...


...according to popular gossip website Popb1tch, Frank Lampard refused to eat at the same table as Joey Barton this morning. As Lampard lumbered off Barton is said to have shouted: "Don't worry, I wasn't going to nick your breakfast you fat prick."



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It never ceases to amaze me how brilliant everyone in England expects their football team to be and how surprised they are when they fail in major tournaments and lose matches. Last night's game was a FRIENDLY, a chance for some fringe players to get some experience and a chance for trying out new tactics, the result shouldn't have mattered, so why are they griping that they lost 1-0 to Spain?


I really hope that they fail to qualify for Euro 2008, at least I won't have to put up with all the flags everywhere and Wayne Rooney grinning at me from 8 foot high adverts in Asda.

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am I missing something?

England were missing a number of players and always do sh*te in friendlies. They are up against Spain who are hardly pushovers and lose 1-0. Hardly the end of their dreams of European qualification is it? Some journo on on 5Live said he doubted the would qualify now. Talk about over reaction...bloody hell

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Atually, I seriously do wonder if (hope that) England will not qualify. They are third in the group behind Russia and Croatia - with the latter looking the team to beat. They haven't yet played the Ruskkies nor have they played Israel who often seem to be a complete pain in the arse to bigger teams in qualification.


COuld easily see England finishing behind Russia and Croatia. :o

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Also they face a tricky tie away to Israel next - defeat there may make the pressure on McLaren unbareable


a couple of things will ALWAYS hold England back


big headed players : The England tean have always thought themselves above the nationla team, where's the pride ?


Sqaure pegs in round holes - Lampard, Carrick , Gerrard - play 2 out of 3, drop 1 - it's simple.


Player power : See above , play your best players, not your most popular players - it's almost galactico syndrome


Technique : You just saw last night how comfy the spainsh lads were at strokeing the ball about, one touch, pass and move - basic stuff, that Britidh sides don't have


Peter Crouch - no side will ever be a succes with him in thier side, ditto Liverpool, as it's far too tempting to revert to long ball, which even SPL defenders can cope with


Agreed there's been an over reaction by the guffy media , but you can understand that the'yve been made to look like arse for backing the over paid, over rated footballers.

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Atually, I seriously do wonder if (hope that) England will not qualify. They are third in the group behind Russia and Croatia - with the latter looking the team to beat. They haven't yet played the Ruskkies nor have they played Israel who often seem to be a complete pain in the arse to bigger teams in qualification.


COuld easily see England finishing behind Russia and Croatia. :laughing:


England, Russia, Croatia and Israel will all take points off each other along the way.... this will give England the opportunity to creep into one of the top two qualifying spots, which I fully expect them to do.


I reckon they'll qualify comfortably in the end however, it'll be funny to see how poorly they perform in the Finals themselves... I could see them really, really struggling. The European Championship group stages are a lot harder to qualify from than at the World Cup, on account of the fact there will no diddy teams, like Trinidad and Paraguay, to help secure a smooth passage.

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