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Hospital Stay.


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Maybe it's just me but it's happened each time I've been in. Is it obligatory for a four bed room to contain

1. a heavy snorer

2. An old guy who just will not shut the fuck up - like, EVER!


Other observations.

The food just never improves (will say that the budget they get per patient doesn't help).

You don't want to get a kidney stone, you just don't. Horrible thing. Painful as.

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If you don't like the food, get your family to bring their own in.


But aye, no-one sleeps in a multi-room. Good luck passing the stones. I assume you're in the ward related to that, I have friends there, I'll them know you're a deviant


Got it done on Monday. Got away today. Never had to pish as often in my puff. Dozen times a day and the first one after the procedure is extremely unpleasant.

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Any amusing anecdotes to report Tiktak?


Ooft. Fuck all amusing about kidney stones, just ask anyone who has had one or simply google kidney stone symptoms. First two words you'll see are "severe pain" then a list of all the areas you get the severe pain. There again, here's an anecdote from my stay. One old guy had the curtains drawn and after the doc asked how he was feeling after his op for the same thing the doc tells him during the op they discovered another growth and he may be on his way to pancreatic cancer. Poor sod. The rest of us quit complaining for a while after that.


On a lighter side, when you come out of theatre and go to pish your "water pipe" (as they called it) is really pretty swollen. I just hoped it would stay that size but......ach well, such is life.

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@@Poodler are men commonly admitted to hospital for kidney stones?


EDIT: the reason i ask is because in my lifetime, i think i've known about 6 or 7 women who've had kidney stones and only one was admitted to hospital (to have them removed from a little hole through her lower back!). but the rest were sent home with pain meds to drink water and wait things out.

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@@Poodler are men commonly admitted to hospital for kidney stones?


EDIT: the reason i ask is because in my lifetime, i think i've known about 6 or 7 women who've had kidney stones and only one was admitted to hospital (to have them removed from a little hole through her lower back!). but the rest were sent home with pain meds to drink water and wait things out.


When first diagnosed you're likely to be told to drink tons of water and see if it comes out the pipe on its own. In addition I was asked to try to catch it on the way out as they like to study them. LOL. I'd to wait 5 months before they did the procedure despite the "within 12 weeks" promise. Not aware of what the procedure is for women but for us its a telescopic camera up the "water pipe" and it's laser blasted then the bits retrieved from wherever it has lodged itself.

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You think that's bad, I've twice had a plook growing out of my arsehole that required operating on, my temperature was through the roof, can kill you, imagine having the surgeon and his dozen entourage of students doing a bed visit where you have to reveal the culprit, some stunning young birds included!!!! :laughing:


Think the saying is....when in hospital leave your dignity at the door, I'm sure the Poodler does the same when he chats up the students at lunch. :cool:

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To add, thank fuck I was knocked out for the operations, can you imagine the chat between staff doing an op like that, not exactly what they signed up for and perhaps before lunch, puss everywhere!!! lol

I+D of pilonidal sinus' and abscesses etc is bread and butter stuff, they'll do 4/5 a day. It would be completely unremarkable to them, don't worry.


Unless you have your asshole tattooed, which I've seen far more frequently than you'd think

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That's how I try and get through those embarrassing thing by thinking that , for the staff ,it's everyday stuff and they won't joke about it or take the piss while I'm out cold .

However they probably had a right old chuckle the time I had a can of Pledge rammed up my arse.



Did a polish doctor remove it?

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