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Best Android Tablet For (Up To)

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Recommendations please.


Some oaf (me) managed to get my Nexus 7 soaking wet recently, leading to its demise (in my defence, it wasn't explicitly stated that the device wasn't submersible).


So a new tablet is required.


I never really did much with the Nexus 7, beyond surfing the web in bed. However I would quite like to play Final Fantasy VII (one of my fave games of the original Playstation era) on the new tablet, though its not absolutely necessary.


I would consider a ~8" screen, but think I would prefer a larger ~10" screen.


There is your criteria, I await your recommendations.


(So far I have looked at things like a Huawei Media Pad M2, and Asus Zen Pad S.)


Thank you.

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Thanks for your comments all.


I know Apple are good, but tbh I dislike the company.


As for Samsung, maybe I will hold off and see if I can get a cheaper S2 when the new S3 comes out (imminent, I think).


Dad - hadn't really considered a Sony; had one of their phones prior to my huawei and ive thought the huawei is much better (though my Sony was at the cheaper end of the scale), hence why I was gravitating to them.

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