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Wifi Booster


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I'm trying to get my WiFi into the garden so bought a booster thing and plugged it in at a back window but it's still a shite signal in the garden. Any tips? Could I get an extension cable run it into the garden then plug another one in? Would that even work. As you might have guessed I'm a bit of a mong at shit like this. Also the decking bit I want the WiFi at is surrounded by conifers, would that make a difference?

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a few possible solutions


if you have a phone point near the back garden, relocate the router and see if that works. if you can you can also try splitting the frequency to 2.4 and 5ghz and connect to the 2.4 ghz see if it makes a difference. 2.4 range is better


buy a wifi extender/repeater and plug it close to the back garden see id it works


if you have an iphone you could try buying a set of powerline network things and an apple airport express. plug the airport express into the ppwerline adaptor with a length of ethernet cable and sit it on window sill. can try it outside if its dry.

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