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Guest LondonScottish
Oooooh... whole situation might get more interesting now :laughing:



The manager's deep in the sh*t, and has had to eat a fairly hefty chunk of humble pie, going back on this one. Madrid are not having a good season, and with player, fan and board pressure he had to reinstate Beckham.

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Guest LondonScottish
I'll never understand why McLaren dropped him... don't really mind though...



McCLaren wanted to put his own stamp on the future (and what a great stamp it is too!!). The view of most of the English, particularly tabloid, press was that Beckham was past his best and was also far too close to the English management who rendered him almost impossible to drop, even when he was playing badly. Funny how being dropped suddenly kicks a player into gear, but as Erikssons captain and "buddy" that was never going to happen. Rumour has it that beckham refused to let Sven pick the in-form Defoe for the World Cup due to a not-too-nice break up of Defoe and Beckham's sister. Having defoe instead of an untried kid would surely have made some sort of difference.


Mind you, with the young players coming through, and the future of england's right wing being taken by aaron lennon, it was a question of did he keep Beckham playing when he might not have been at his best for the next tournament, or did he give the talented young Lennon the starting place that everyone had been banging on about. I don't think even Beckham could have sorted out the mess a potentially World beating England squad have got themselves into.

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McCLaren wanted to put his own stamp on the future (and what a great stamp it is too!!). The view of most of the English, particularly tabloid, press was that Beckham was past his best and was also far too close to the English management who rendered him almost impossible to drop, even when he was playing badly. Funny how being dropped suddenly kicks a player into gear, but as Erikssons captain and "buddy" that was never going to happen. Rumour has it that beckham refused to let Sven pick the in-form Defoe for the World Cup due to a not-too-nice break up of Defoe and Beckham's sister. Having defoe instead of an untried kid would surely have made some sort of difference.


Mind you, with the young players coming through, and the future of england's right wing being taken by aaron lennon, it was a question of did he keep Beckham playing when he might not have been at his best for the next tournament, or did he give the talented young Lennon the starting place that everyone had been banging on about. I don't think even Beckham could have sorted out the mess a potentially World beating England squad have got themselves into.

Thr thing is though, Beckham is ALWAYS a threat from set pieces & crosses, as much as it pains me to say it not much better than him when it comes to a dead ball situation. England profited from it at the World cup, maybe what they are lacking now.

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ive always liked beckham right from day 1 against villa in 1995 when he got that peach in a poor united side. glad hes showing the world hes ready to piss allover McLaren and Capello. Despite what people say, he was one of the worlds best players and hopefully this move to galaxy will open up oppertunities for alot of people...


i see zidane is thinkin about comin out of retirement to play in the states aswell. But the americans are lookin to ruin MLS with that f*ckin draft system....honest to god, the worst idea. good idea IN THEORY...but in practise makes it near impossible for any team to stay at the top for more than 4 years.

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Guest LondonScottish
Thr thing is though, Beckham is ALWAYS a threat from set pieces & crosses, as much as it pains me to say it not much better than him when it comes to a dead ball situation. England profited from it at the World cup, maybe what they are lacking now.



Correct. And he scored from a free kick last night again. I cannot think of a better dead-ball specialist playing today, or even not playing!! Manchester United really missed him, especially Ruud V-N, with so many defence splitting passes ball-to-feet. Brilliant!! I think he would have stuck around at Utd had he not been corrupted so much by his talentless fame-craving wife. "I Want Fame", "I Want to be in the papers every f*cking day", "I want to be THE showbiz Princess", "I want to live in Spain".......and then when he did get transferred to Real, she didn't even bloody come out to live with him. No wife, no kids, a city that speaks little English.......

Beckham was in the same mould of every one of the Manchester United youngsters of that generation, (well maybe not Lee Sharpe): talented, arrogantly-confident on the pitch, unassuming off it, wanting to give it all for UTD (and successful with that too). But Victoria-want-to-posh fairly changed him, IMO.

I also think that his dropping from the England set-up really affected his whole football persona, and he was a shadow of his former self when he returned to the Bernabeu, almost like he was shattered inside.........

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Rumour has it that beckham refused to let Sven pick the in-form Defoe for the World Cup due to a not-too-nice break up of Defoe and Beckham's sister. Having defoe instead of an untried kid would surely have made some sort of difference.


not true. defoes wife is on the footballers wags show and shes been with him for nearly 2 years now so unless its a long standing hatred of defoe then chalk that one down to the rumour mill.

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hahahaha, thats fair.


ill try and get out of the hole ive dug myself. repeated the rumour id read on here to the bird and she ripped the piss out of me for not knowing about wags boutique....


oh im sorry....it clashes with the time im at football training....and erm, down the pub gettin in fights...can i have those man points back now. hahaha

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Guest LondonScottish
hahahaha, thats fair.


ill try and get out of the hole ive dug myself. repeated the rumour id read on here to the bird and she ripped the piss out of me for not knowing about wags boutique....


oh im sorry....it clashes with the time im at football training....and erm, down the pub gettin in fights...can i have those man points back now. hahaha



I think its a pretty big hatred by all accounts. One of my best mates lives directly next door to Defoe, (although Defoe is just in the process of moving to a pretty nice gaff in Hertfordshire at the moment) and he seemed to have a fairly good idea what was going on. But rumours are rumours, never said it was set in stone, but I would reckon there's at least an 80% truth in it.

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Guest LondonScottish
fair douze bud. im not pointing fingers or anything, were both in the same predicament of repeatin what others have told us. thats all.



No probs Robo. Did I mention as well that Frank McGarvey was house hunting in Westhill? :applause:

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