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The tartan army


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I was just lurking around the taboard.com and noticed a thread in which guys were discussing the tartan army. some of them claiming they will never go to another game because some of the scotland fans were dancing around and singing after a defeat.


dont get me wrong i hate seeing the dons or scotland losing to anyone but i see no harm in making the most of a trip you have made abroad or even down to glasgow from up here.


better to be upbeat and enjoy yourself than sulk like a little kid.


what are the thoughts on here with regards to the tartan army and scotland?

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I was just lurking around the taboard.com and noticed a thread in which guys were discussing the tartan army. some of them claiming they will never go to another game because some of the scotland fans were dancing around and singing after a defeat.


dont get me wrong i hate seeing the dons or scotland losing to anyone but i see no harm in making the most of a trip you have made abroad or even down to glasgow from up here.


better to be upbeat and enjoy yourself than sulk like a little kid.


what are the thoughts on here with regards to the tartan army and scotland?


Im not a Scotland supporter, and I find the Tartan Army an embarrassment. They are the shortbread tin stereotype of Scottishness. And they do celebrate in failure which is embarrassing in itself.


I think originally their heart and spirit was in the right place and there was a genuiness to it all. Now it seems that there's a factor of "Look at us! we're having a great time even though we were just gubbed by Latvia!! arent we just so lovable??" and there's a falseness attached to it now not to mention that it's getting boring.


But each to their own, if that's what rocks their world then it's up to them.

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Im not a Scotland supporter, and I find the Tartan Army an embarrassment. They are the shortbread tin stereotype of Scottishness. And they do celebrate in failure which is embarrassing in itself.


I think originally their heart and spirit was in the right place and there was a genuiness to it all. Now it seems that there's a factor of "Look at us! we're having a great time even though we were just gubbed by Latvia!! arent we just so lovable??" and there's a falseness attached to it now not to mention that it's getting boring.


But each to their own, if that's what rocks their world then it's up to them.



I Agree with everyword of that -


Not a fan but each to their own

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Im not a Scotland supporter, and I find the Tartan Army an embarrassment. They are the shortbread tin stereotype of Scottishness. And they do celebrate in failure which is embarrassing in itself.


I think originally their heart and spirit was in the right place and there was a genuiness to it all. Now it seems that there's a factor of "Look at us! we're having a great time even though we were just gubbed by Latvia!! arent we just so lovable??" and there's a falseness attached to it now not to mention that it's getting boring.


But each to their own, if that's what rocks their world then it's up to them.



cheer up mate :hysterical:


that post made you sound like a right miserable b*st*rd.


sorry but i fail to see how you could be embarrassed by the tartan army. they dont celebrate in failure its called enjoying yourself and realising that its not the end of the world because your team has lost a football match.

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Now it seems that there's a factor of "Look at us! we're having a great time even though we were just gubbed by Latvia!! arent we just so lovable??" and there's a falseness attached to it now not to mention that it's getting boring.


Having been in positions similar to the one demonstrated above, I would say it is more of a case of "Ah f*ck sake, another beating. How am I best going to forget about that? Might as well get pished, but I don't want to get in a fight because i couldn't take a beating twice in one night"


You get past the result and enjoy visiting a different country, drinking their beer and eatign their food etc, same as you do on any other holiday.

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Having been in positions similar to the one demonstrated above, I would say it is more of a case of "Ah f*ck sake, another beating. How am I best going to forget about that? Might as well get pished, but I don't want to get in a fight because i couldn't take a beating twice in one night"


You get past the result and enjoy visiting a different country, drinking their beer and eatign their food etc, same as you do on any other holiday.




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cheer up mate :hysterical:


that post made you sound like a right miserable b*st*rd.


I am a right miserable b*st*rd!!


It's just not my thing mate. There's nothing to celebrate in failure... shouldnt go and slit your wrists either, but people in this country moan that we never achieve anything. We never achieve anything because we celebrate failure (amongst other reasons). If you accept failure, failure is what you'll get.

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I am a right miserable b*st*rd!!


It's just not my thing mate. There's nothing to celebrate in failure... shouldnt go and slit your wrists either, but people in this country moan that we never achieve anything. We never achieve anything because we celebrate failure (amongst other reasons). If you accept failure, failure is what you'll get.


its not celebrating failure its making the best of it while you are there. see no harm in this.


and because of a few attitudes that you dont agree with it shouldnt stop you supporting scotland if its your country.

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Having been in positions similar to the one demonstrated above, I would say it is more of a case of "Ah f*ck sake, another beating. How am I best going to forget about that? Might as well get pished, but I don't want to get in a fight because i couldn't take a beating twice in one night"


You get past the result and enjoy visiting a different country, drinking their beer and eatign their food etc, same as you do on any other holiday.



I can understand that, i really can. But do they have to act like arseholes? And im sure that there are more options to you than getting in a fight.


I just find it all a touch nauseus.

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I see both sides, but unfortunately the TA get tarred with the same "lovable oafs" brush.


If you've paid money to go abroad and make the most of a trip in a foreign land, then you do just that - make the most of it.


I don't however like the sanctimonious crowd that tend to attend Scotland matches - the "unknowledgable" that seem to crawl out from their caves and are offended very easily by those of us who attend football every week. It generally seems to be these people that are the problem with the image of the TA as a whole.

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Guest LondonScottish
Basically I think their c*nts for singing "d'oh a deer" at football matches. Also "We'll be coming" get's very boring...very, very quickly...



You've just got to a accept we have a third rate football team, 4th rate under Mr Vogts, but who cares, its a brilliant away trip wherever. Great we have had that start in the qualifiers, but chances are we won't get to the finals. Even if you've lost an away game, its a great atmosphere before during and after. Might as well enjoy it. But you're right, "doh a deer" winds me up big time!!!

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You've just got to a accept we have a third rate football team, 4th rate under Mr Vogts, but who cares, its a brilliant away trip wherever. Great we have had that start in the qualifiers, but chances are we won't get to the finals. Even if you've lost an away game, its a great atmosphere before during and after. Might as well enjoy it. But you're right, "doh a deer" winds me up big time!!!

Trust me, 3 hours on the bus there & another 3 on the way back from Parkhead in September with those c*nt's was a ngihtmare!!


I know we aren't the ebst team..but neither are Aberdeen & we don't go celebrating defeats, f*ck me half of the c*nts on this board are just as upset when we win!!

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Trust me, 3 hours on the bus there & another 3 on the way back from Parkhead in September with those c*nt's was a ngihtmare!!


I know we aren't the ebst team..but neither are Aberdeen & we don't go celebrating defeats, f*ck me half of the c*nts on this board are just as upset when we win!!


Are you disgusted when people sing through a lock in at Ibrox after a defeat?

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Guest TenementFunster

I can not be f*cked with the Tartan Army bollocks. Ever so close to Barmy Army and all the sh*t that inevitably trots out along with the f*ck*rs. The stories, the adventures, ah the halcyon days indeed.


They bore the very life out of me. I'm sure I'm actually going to live 3 years less because I mistakenly read a paragraph of wanderers sh*t one day.

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Basically I think their c*nts for singing "d'oh a deer" at football matches. Also "We'll be coming" get's very boring...very, very quickly...


Why does singing those songs annoy you so much? You must have a reason.


Its the same as singing 10 men went to mow at Pittodrie.


What would you rather we did sit and watch the match in silence or create a bit of atmosphere?

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Guest LondonScottish
Why does singing those songs annoy you so much? You must have a reason.


Its the same as singing 10 men went to mow at Pittodrie.


What would you rather we did sit and watch the match in silence or create a bit of atmosphere?



Was "10 men went to mow" not a casuals song in the 80's, bit like "we're red your dead", etc....... I'm not really understanding the similarity.

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Why does singing those songs annoy you so much? You must have a reason.


Its the same as singing 10 men went to mow at Pittodrie.


What would you rather we did sit and watch the match in silence or create a bit of atmosphere?

I would rather we sang about something relevant to today, not songs about battles hundreds of years ago or a song about a female deer when i'm at a football match. If they want to go for a piss up & make an arse of themselves there's plenty more places to do it than a football ground.

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I will doh a deer if I want and so will the thousands of other people around me, it makes little or no sense, but I don't give a sh*t as you can sing it again and again and again.


Just for you miserable c*nts.....


I love Scotland games as I meet my mates who all support other clubs and we get together, get pissed (as we normally do outwith football), watch a game celebrate at a good result or commiserate and drown our tears. If you don't like the TA go to Hampden and away games and sing about.........something relevant and modern about Scotland.....?? Oh aye, you would be sitting there being boring c*nts with nothing to sing about

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Im not a Scotland supporter, and I find the Tartan Army an embarrassment. They are the shortbread tin stereotype of Scottishness. And they do celebrate in failure which is embarrassing in itself.


I think originally their heart and spirit was in the right place and there was a genuiness to it all. Now it seems that there's a factor of "Look at us! we're having a great time even though we were just gubbed by Latvia!! arent we just so lovable??" and there's a falseness attached to it now not to mention that it's getting boring.


But each to their own, if that's what rocks their world then it's up to them.


I am a Scotland supporter and have been going to away games since 96 and I have to agree with this completely,

the drunken oaf'ish fool is played far too often by far too many !!!

I've now completely ditched the kilt and only occaisonally wear my top as the behaviour of some is way out of line,

I had a big run in with some boys in Prague over their behaviour to people walking by, the response I got was ''it's

only a bit of fun'' when in reality they were pestering good looking women for a kiss and kicking a ball off shop

window's and the big statue thing in old town square.....complete to55er's !!!!


Anyhow if you go to an away game a see a group of boys wearing normal clothes and you think they're the casuals,

we'll that'll most likely be me and my crowd.

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I will doh a deer if I want and so will the thousands of other people around me, it makes little or no sense, but I don't give a sh*t as you can sing it again and again and again.


I love Scotland games as I meet my mates who all support other clubs and we get together, get pissed (as we normally do outwith football), watch a game celebrate at a good result or commiserate and drown our tears. If you don't like the TA go to Hampden and away games and sing about.........something relevant and modern about Scotland.....?? Oh aye, you would be sitting there being boring c*nts with nothing to sing about



As I keep reading this thread i'll agree with more comments, the above about 'doh a deer', of my crowd it's 50-50 that'll

sing it and the rest think it's wanky (I sing it as it sound great when in full flow.....Bordeaux 98 WC Finals, anyone ??)




It is great to go to the games with my pals who all support other teams, (HUN, Timz, Thistle and some Scotland only fans),

our tales of attending Scotland games got so legendary that we're now up to 12regulars from an initial 4 !!!!

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I will doh a deer if I want and so will the thousands of other people around me, it makes little or no sense, but I don't give a sh*t as you can sing it again and again and again.


Just for you miserable c*nts.....


I love Scotland games as I meet my mates who all support other clubs and we get together, get pissed (as we normally do outwith football), watch a game celebrate at a good result or commiserate and drown our tears. If you don't like the TA go to Hampden and away games and sing about.........something relevant and modern about Scotland.....?? Oh aye, you would be sitting there being boring c*nts with nothing to sing about


So everyone going to Scotland games has to conform with the TA agenda or you're classed as boring c*nts? Good on ye.


It's got f*ck all to do with people being miserable, or being boring but got everything to do with people choosing what they want to do which you seem to have a problem with.


As has been said previously, some people find the TA embarrassing. A group of hopelessly drunk Scots, all dressed in kilts, showing their arses and dicks to the world, then trying to steal a kiss from a local girl, and then jumping into a fountain? I can only imagine the sense of pride as your mother watches this on television back in Scotland.

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BB (and anyone who is offended by the TA) - have you ever encountered an experience where you have been mocked or abused or whatever by someone for being associated with the TA or is it the whole TA thing puts you off going to Scotland games?


The way I see it is that people ought to live and let live unless it affects them in some way. If you're too weak to let it get to you then it's your own problem to deal with.

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BB (and anyone who is offended by the TA) - have you ever encountered an experience where you have been mocked or abused or whatever by someone for being associated with the TA or is it the whole TA thing puts you off going to Scotland games?


The way I see it is that people ought to live and let live unless it affects them in some way. If you're too weak to let it get to you then it's your own problem to deal with.


Have i not said in my first couple of posts exactly the same thing?


I was merely responding in kind to Mizer's "if you dont like it then you're all c*nts" post. Although why you dont say exactly the same thing to him is puzzling.

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