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Craig Bellamy

Guest LondonScottish

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Guest LondonScottish

Looks like young Master Bellamy has played his last game for Liverpool after attacking J-A Riise's legs with a golf club in the early hours of Friday morning, according to media reports today. Just a f*cking little thug, always has been always will be;


Cue, "we'll take him at Aberdeen then" comments. No thanks, bad egg. Wouldn't be exactly upset if he accidently went under a bus!!!!

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taken from another website


A FUN sing-song turned into a vicious punch-up as Liverpool ace Craig Bellamy saw red and waded into team-mate John Arne Riise in a drunken rage.


The sensational bust-up erupted in the early hours of Friday at the team's Portuguese hotel after a marathon boozing session.



An eye witness says the feuding Premiership stars:



TRADED INSULTS during a bar's karaoke contest when Riise refused to take the stage,



SCREAMED ABUSE as they faced each other toe to toe,



TOTTERED back to their training camp base at 2am,



FOUGHT in a hotel as Bellamy lashed out at Riise's

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Guest LondonScottish
:ThumbsDown: comical


Thug maybe but excellent player



Thug correct, excellent player on an individual basis yes, but team player he is not, and undermines everything good about a club. Some example to young players in a team. Rotten to the core. The benefits of having him in a team are far outweighed IMO by the sh*t he brings with him.

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Being honest here i would take him to Aberdeen in a second, he's the type of player we need and he gets right up people noses which we don't have someone in out team able to do that, I know it's highly unlikly we would ever get him but i would welcome him in here.


The story sounds like something that would be good to watch if someone had their cameraphone out haha, sounds like a headcase but i reckon Riise would take him anyday as those gingers have something missing in their head (and it's no a decent hair colour) they go mental at slightest thing so Bellamy wouldna stand a chance golf club or no golf club he'd get battered.

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Guest LondonScottish
Being honest here i would take him to Aberdeen in a second, he's the type of player we need and he gets right up people noses which we don't have someone in out team able to do that, I know it's highly unlikly we would ever get him but i would welcome him in here.





And if thats not fishing, you must have no comprehension of how top grade football is a TEAM game and there ain't no "I" in team.


I'm hoping its the first one!!!!!

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And if thats not fishing, you must have no comprehension of how top grade football is a TEAM game and there ain't no "I" in team.


I'm hoping its the first one!!!!!

I was being serious, he is the type of player that a team needs, winds up his opponent and gets goals, if you're telling me that you wouldna like a player like that you must not have much of a clue about soccer. And for the record there maybe isna an 'I' in team but there is a 'me'.

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I was being serious, he is the type of player that a team needs, winds up his opponent and gets goals, if you're telling me that you wouldna like a player like that you must not have much of a clue about soccer. And for the record there maybe isna an 'I' in team but there is a 'me'.

There's a fine line between having a player who 'winds up his opponent' and who unsettles the squad. Bellamy crosses that line - do we really want someone who is willing to attack a team-mate with a golf club? I think not.

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There's a fine line between having a player who 'winds up his opponent' and who unsettles the squad. Bellamy crosses that line - do we really want someone who is willing to attack a team-mate with a golf club? I think not.


totally agree here. bellamy is an idiot of the highest order and could/should have had a much better career.


and mini jc dont just dont call it soccer, its fitba or football.

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Guest LondonScottish
I was being serious, he is the type of player that a team needs, winds up his opponent and gets goals, if you're telling me that you wouldna like a player like that you must not have much of a clue about soccer. And for the record there maybe isna an 'I' in team but there is a 'me'.



Lets just put this misguided attitude down to your tender age. Maybe worry more about what sh*te colour scheme is going to adorn the d*ck Donald if that floats your boat, until you've got your head of the clouds and worked out how a club/team should be run.


And for the record I've supported Aberdeen for nearly four years so I have a fairly good idea what works for them!!!

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There's a fine line between having a player who 'winds up his opponent' and who unsettles the squad. Bellamy crosses that line - do we really want someone who is willing to attack a team-mate with a golf club? I think not.

When he was celtic he done well and there was no reports of unrest in their changing room was there?


Lets just put this misguided attitude down to your tender age. Maybe worry more about what sh*te colour scheme is going to adorn the d*ck Donald if that floats your boat, until you've got your head of the clouds and worked out how a club/team should be run.


And for the record I've supported Aberdeen for nearly four years so I have a fairly good idea what works for them!!!

Next you'll be chairman of the club, i've support the club for 6 years had a season ticket for 6 years and have only missed 6 games home & away in the past 3 season so far.


I have a rough idea of how teams are run, look at ours it's not run that well but if Bellamy came in i'm sure we would be pushing more for 2nd place.

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Guest LondonScottish
Next you'll be chairman of the club, i've support the club for 6 years had a season ticket for 6 years and have only missed 6 games home & away in the past 3 season so far.


I have a rough idea of how teams are run, look at ours it's not run that well but if Bellamy came in i'm sure we would be pushing more for 2nd place.


:itch-chin::cry::fishing::fishing: Chompity chompity chomp chomp chomp...........



So your 6 6 6 Then...........is that stamped on yer forehead by any chance?

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well having followed the dons for over 20 years, i'm clearly more of a fan than either of you :itch-chin:


As for Bellamy, moderalty talented player with big boots, no suprise that he's never played for a serious title chasing side in England, and i hope Rafa reialises what a c*nt he is and bins him, seriously Liverpool will never be a succes with the likes of Bellamy and crouch in thier side

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Guest LondonScottish
well having followed the dons for over 20 years, i'm clearly more of a fan than either of you :laughing:



Apart from the South Stand season ticket that accidently slipped my mind from 1982 onwards.....oh well....... :laughing:

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from lfc.tv, from rafa benitez:


I met this morning with the entire first team squad and made it absolutely clear to all of them the responsibilities that come with playing for this club and the way they are expected to conduct themselves both on and off the pitch.


"The players worked extremely hard at last week's training camp, but we will take disciplinary action and fine any of them who are found to have breached club rules during our stay in Portugal. I've told the players this and they understand and accept the decision I have taken.


"Despite reports to the contrary, the spirit amongst the lads is very good with everyone looking forward to the game against Barcelona on Wednesday.


"We remain totally focussed on what will be a very tough game against the defending European Champions."

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Bellamy is a very good player but he has proved time and time again that he is an odious little sh*t. I would quite happily take the likes of Robbie Savage and Steven Pressley to Aberdeen, but never Craig Bellamy.


f*ck that i would take Bellamy in an instant - just because he is a nutter does not matter to me because all i want is a winning team and would have 11 nutters if it means we win the league.

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I don't fish its boring but i remember the impact Bellamy made at Celtic and i believe if he come here the crowds would go up quite a bit, maybe not on the Charlie scale but a few more would turn up to watch us - its nae going to happen though is it.

I agree with you that why i made my first post in this, people thought i was fishing when i wasnot and for some reason other people don't think he would have an impact on us when clearly he would.

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JAR and Bellers seemed totally fine in training this morning, only seems to be papers that this story has came from?

JAR was training? Thought after Bellamy completely lost it and went to work with a golf club on Riise's legs he might have been injured?!?!

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You'd think so. According to the papers - it happened! It was 100% true! Good work out in training this morning though from both Bellers and JAR, JAR made a miraculous recovery in 2 days! Its a miracle!


Do we know for sure it was a metal golf club?


Bellers was maybe using one from his own personal set......



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