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Dowie takes over as Coventry boss


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Coventry City have unveiled Iain Dowie as their new manager.

The 42-year-old, who will be assisted by Tim Flowers, has been out of work since leaving Charlton in November after just 12 league games in charge.


Adrian Heath had been in charge at the Ricoh Arena in a caretaker role since Micky Adams was sacked on 17 January but he left the club on Sunday.


Dowie's first game at the helm is Tuesday's home encounter with Southampton, one of his former clubs.


The former Oldham and Crystal Palace boss admitted he had held talks with new Leicester owner Milan Mandaric about joining the Foxes but was impressed by Coventry's enthusiasm.


"Milan is leading a very exciting time at Leicester and I'm delighted that a club like that was interested," he told a news conference.


"Leicester are a club on the up but so are Coventry. I was very impressed with the ambition of the club.


"For me, it was about the fact that Coventry showed great desire to get me here."


Coventry managing director Paul Fletcher said: "When we decided to appoint a new manager, we set a number of criteria.


"Iain was incredibly impressive on the occasions we met and there is no doubt that he was by far the strongest candidate in all the criteria we set.


"This is undoubtedly an exciting time for everyone involved with the Sky Blues and we feel we have the best available person to help take Coventry forward."


Dowie spent a short and controversial spell at Charlton.


He was in charge at The Valley for 12 Premiership games and the Addicks were bottom of the table when he parted company with the club.


He had already caused a storm by joining the club after telling Crystal Palace he was leaving to move back to the North-West with his family.


Crystal Palace chairman Simon Jordan served Dowie with a writ for fraudulent representation.


After a short spell in caretaker charge at QPR in 1998, Dowie's managerial career began in earnest at Oldham in 2002.


During his 18 months in charge at Boundary Park he established enough of a reputation for Palace to come calling.


Dowie further enhanced his reputation as an innovative young coach by getting Palace promoted to the Premiership through the play-offs but he was unable to keep the Eagles in the top flight.


Coventry parted company with caretaker boss Heath on Sunday, along with backroom staff Darren Robinson, Andy Dibble and George Foster.


A club statement read: "The club would like to extend its sincere thanks to Adrian for his three years with the Sky Blues, which has included two spells as caretaker."


Following Coventry's 3-0 defeat to Leicester on Saturday, Heath said he was disappointed to learn of Dowie's imminent appointment in the media.


"It wasn't pleasant last night getting phone calls from people who knew what was going on," he said.


"If they've got the man they want, I understand that. It doesn't make it any easier to accept but that's the way the game is.


"I'm the sixth manager in six years here so there's probably a message there for everybody upstairs.


"If they give the right man the right amount of time I'm sure they'll get where they want to be."

Intresting move by both here, he is a decent enough manager, done well with Palace but that's it and Coventry need a good manager to help them out.



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mate is a cov fan and he thinks dowie is just back to use them as a steppin stone back to the premiership. board offered him ALOT of money so hes signed on till something better comes along.


no offence to your mate, but surely he realises that's going to be the case with most people who take a job like that? Not as if you get the Coventry job and think you cant get any higher.

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agree totally man. id never say it to him but coventry are hardly a sleeping giant are they? they narrowly avoided relegation for the best part of a decade now are no better than mid-table championship. cant see them going back up for a long time unless dowie does overhaul the whole club.

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Guest LondonScottish
agree totally man. id never say it to him but coventry are hardly a sleeping giant are they? they narrowly avoided relegation for the best part of a decade now are no better than mid-table championship. cant see them going back up for a long time unless dowie does overhaul the whole club.



Unforunately getting rid of their star striker to Birmingham screwed their season up. Difficult to replace that many goals.

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mcsheffrey actually just knocked about in the local park for a few years till he got signed up. hes made it out that he didnt want to leave but the actual story was that hed only go if the board accepted an offer for him (pray tell when else was he going to get the chacne to leave? bosman? and risk no club??).


they accepted the 4 mil for him, his agent said ive got you the deal, you just have to agree to it now and your a bham player. he didnt have to leave, could have stayed put...but chose to move. cant say i blame him at all. had he gone to west ham however....

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Guest LondonScottish
Dowie was found out to be a poor manager at Charlton. He may get Coventry up the table a bit but he won't set the place alight. I'm sure Leicester are devestated at not getting him, considering they brushed them aside 3-0 on Saturday! :applause:


Not sure if this is fishing or ignorance, but..........


How was he proved to be a poor manager at Charlton. They were on the slippery slope long before he started. He may have been proven a bad manager , but you can hardly say he had enough time to establish himself there.

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Not sure if this is fishing or ignorance, but..........


How was he proved to be a poor manager at Charlton. They were on the slippery slope long before he started. He may have been proven a bad manager , but you can hardly say he had enough time to establish himself there.


You think? Curbishley had Charlton as an established mid table Premiership side, if Dowie had longer at Charlton then he maybe could of kept them up but look at his record at getting Palace promoted then they came straight back down the following season which points to Dowie being out of his depth at Premiership level in my opinion although as I already said, he will probably get Coventry up the table a bit.

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Guest LondonScottish
You think? Curbishley had Charlton as an established mid table Premiership side, if Dowie had longer at Charlton then he maybe could of kept them up but look at his record at getting Palace promoted then they came straight back down the following season which points to Dowie being out of his depth at Premiership level in my opinion although as I already said, he will probably get Coventry up the table a bit.



Charlton were a mid table side for a number of years, but usually this mid to lower table status was maintained by a cracking first half of the season followed by a dismal post winter run. Every season was the same, and it was only a matter of time before their luck ran out. Curbishley saw the writing on the wall and decided he wanted a break from football, realising it was better for him and his reputation leaving on a relatively successful note considering where he had taken the club from in the first place. Whichever manager took over at Charlton I don't think would have made a lot of difference, and would have been on a hiding to nothing. Charlton have punched well above thier weight for far too many years, but good luck to them.

Dowie, may look slightly on the neanderthal side, but is actually a very educated, articulate man, with a good understanding of the game. I cannot work out how you can offer someone a job of this nature in football with such a short term strategy; if you screw up in the first 15 games or so you're out. Naivety from the board in getting rid of him so quickly, but their internal favourite replacement Les Reed did no better. Anyone knows how long it can take to remould a team in almost freefall decline, and if the board were happy to employ Dowie in the first place, and I appreciate they gave him a decent budget for players, he should have been given a fair amount of time to bring his plans to fruition.


It will be interesting to see how he develops at Coventry; a team with little money and struggling in their league. Chances are he will probably have his chance to show the Charlton board their error when the teams meet next season in the Championship.

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How can you say K-9 is fishing (dont just say by pressing keys)


Dowie never got a real chance at Charlton and i felt sorry for him when he got the boot and i think the fans felt the same way.

(sky sports news is the source so might not be true)


Think he has got a real tough job thier! Coventry are rotten to the bone. Depends if he gets cash to spend in the summer, but if he doesn't Coventry i reckon will go down if not this season but next!

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