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Turning Into Your Dad

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Just had one of those moments when doing something, stopping then thinking that my dad does exactly the same thing and then realising that you are slowly turning into your dad.


In this case, taking the shopping out of the car boot and wondering if I should take out the winter jacket I keep in there in case of an emergency as the nicer weather approaches.


Sad point 1)having a winter jacket for emergencies in my car and 2)realising that I am turning into my bloody dad.


Depressing stuff

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I'm fuck all like my auld man. Although there would be nothing wrong if I were, he's a terrific guy. A bit boring though. Would rather sit in the hoose than go out and do something interesting. My maw is going to New York with her pal in a few weeks because my dad doesn't want to go. Strange mindset, i'll never be like that.


The boring times are only to keep myself healthy/alive for the partying/travelling times.

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