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University research on activism in sport

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11 hours ago, theacademic said:

Dear all,

I am involved in some research looking at sportsmen and women's activism in sport. For those of you interested in this topic area, I have created a short survey that should only take a few minutes of your time: https://northumbria.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/athlete-activism 

Participation is completely voluntary, but I would appreciate hearing your thoughts on this subject area. 

You ever stuck your finger up your bird's arse and asked her to giddy up? Cracking activism.

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On 5/24/2021 at 11:08 AM, theacademic said:

Many thanks to those who have completed the survey. 

Hope you got what you came for...

Was going to have a wee chuckle at Northumbria uni, but the survey looks like it might be interesting. Post a link when it's all written up please.

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