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Great chance for Smith to step up to the plate.


However - Utd should go for a top-class striker for the new season. Fernando Torres has been mentioned a few times but I reckon somebody like Dimitar Berbatov would be just as good. Or David Villa.

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Great chance for Smith to step up to the plate.


However - Utd should go for a top-class striker for the new season. Fernando Torres has been mentioned a few times but I reckon somebody like Dimitar Berbatov would be just as good. Or David Villa.


There are already rumours that Berbatov is on his way to OT in the summer. Would be a fantastic signing, as would Villa.

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League title could be decided this week


WTF? How will FA Cup games determine the winner of the league? :laughing:


On a serious note, the league games next week are huge for Chelsea. Dropped points at Man City or at home to Sheff. Utd could do it for United.


Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Aston Villa v Arsenal, 19:45

Man City v Chelsea, 20:00




Saturday, 17 March 2007Blackburn v West Ham, 17:15

Chelsea v Sheff Utd, 15:00

Man Utd v Bolton, 12:45

Middlesbrough v Man City, 15:00

Reading v Portsmouth, 15:00

Tottenham v Watford, 15:00

Wigan v Fulham, 15:00

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Good to here. I think man u really need a striker like Berbatov as he is a big target man with a few tricks and knows where the net is and thats the type of player united need, Villa would be good aswell but he's not your usual striker is he? No, he's the type that likes to drop back in to midfield and create from there no real point in having him do that when you've got Ronney is there?

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Good to here. I think man u really need a striker like Berbatov as he is a big target man with a few tricks and knows where the net is and thats the type of player united need, Villa would be good aswell but he's not your usual striker is he? No, he's the type that likes to drop back in to midfield and create from there no real point in having him do that when you've got Ronney is there?



Berbatov is the perfect player for United, However as mentioned he would cost United funny money which i do not think Glazier would sanction. Luca Toni is the same type of player, However his age may be an issue

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Berbatov is the perfect player for United, However as mentioned he would cost United funny money which i do not think Glazier would sanction. Luca Toni is the same type of player, However his age may be an issue


Manyou cant away and f*ck! there not getting Berbatov!!! :thumbs:

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Manyou cant away and f*ck! there not getting Berbatov!!! :thumbs:

Money talks and Berbatov walks. He's impressed me so far this seasona nd would love to see him play for united, his little touches to get away from defencders are superb, just the over week he was being tightly marked by Campo and simply flicked the ball with his heal and was away from him in a flash.

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wow, great come back....


manure are about as evil as rangers. that fat c*nt rooney, twaty ferdinand, gary f*ckin neville, the list can go on and on but whats the point really. and its not jealousy...i just dont like any of them.


cant believe the number of united "fans" on here. what reason do you all have for supporting them might i ask?


ill agree english football is better than scottish but ffs....ooh, arent united great, i really hope "we" can sign Berbatov...or maybe "we" can lure David Villa to the club...spare me

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wow, great come back....


manure are about as evil as rangers. that fat c*nt rooney, twaty ferdinand, gary f*ckin neville, the list can go on and on but whats the point really. and its not jealousy...i just dont like any of them.


cant believe the number of united "fans" on here. what reason do you all have for supporting them might i ask?


ill agree english football is better than scottish but ffs....ooh, arent united great, i really hope "we" can sign Berbatov...or maybe "we" can lure David Villa to the club...spare me




:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:

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wow, great come back....


Comeback? What was I coming back from?!?


manure are about as evil as rangers. that fat c*nt rooney, twaty ferdinand, gary f*ckin neville, the list can go on and on but whats the point really. and its not jealousy...i just dont like any of them.


Fair enough, you don't like Man United.


cant believe the number of united "fans" on here. what reason do you all have for supporting them might i ask?


I don't need to justify why I support United. I've done so since I first started watching football, that's all that matters. And spare the 'gloryhunter' bollocks. Everyone is a gloryhunter for differing reasons.


My elder brother supports Liverpool, so could easily have supporeted the team who WERE the best in the country at that time, but I didn't.


ill agree english football is better than scottish but ffs....ooh, arent united great, i really hope "we" can sign Berbatov...or maybe "we" can lure David Villa to the club...spare me




Like the Murphy's...

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I don't need to justify why I support United. I've done so since I first started watching football, that's all that matters. And spare the 'gloryhunter' bollocks. Everyone is a gloryhunter for differing reasons.


yeah...im a glory hunter by supportin Aberdeen. :o i only support the club because of the amount of silverware weve lifted in my lifetime...ahem....


My elder brother supports Liverpool, so could easily have supporeted the team who WERE the best in the country at that time, but I didn't.


thats not a reason. all that shows is that your brother is a bigger glory hunter. so why did you start supportin a sh*te united side then? All your argument shows is that you allege that you went against your older brother (hard to believe from basic child psychology) and supported an English team coz you could.


You justify that you STILL support them coz youve done so since you were small...do you still suck your thumb? wear nappies?? have a cuddle blanket??? grow a set man...you have more informed choices as an adult so you cant tell me that just coz you did something as a child means you HAVE to do it as an adult.

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yeah...im a glory hunter by supportin Aberdeen. :o i only support the club because of the amount of silverware weve lifted in my lifetime...ahem....

thats not a reason.


I repeat, EVERYONE (within-reason), is a glory-hunter to an extent. I could easily prove this, but will let you work it out for yourself.


all that shows is that your brother is a bigger glory hunter. so why did you start supportin a sh*te united side then?


I chose to support United as my mum is a fan. She started following United when Denis Law was playing.


Believe it or not, but a lot of Aberdeen fans support United because of the 'Fergie factor'.


All your argument shows is that you allege that you went against your older brother (hard to believe from basic child psychology) and supported an English team coz you could.


Basic child psychology?!?


You justify that you STILL support them coz youve done so since you were small...


Yes. I've supported United for the majority of my lifetime, and still do. This isn't justifcation, it is fact. I remember supporting United in the 80's.


do you still suck your thumb?




wear nappies??




have a cuddle blanket???




grow a set man...you have more informed choices as an adult so you cant tell me that just coz you did something as a child means you HAVE to do it as an adult.


WTF are you gibbering on about?!? Did you choose to support Aberdeen as a child, then continue this as you grew up, or did you just decide to start supporting them when you became an adult? Most people I know support the team they 'chose' when they were wee.

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This could go on forever really. lets just agree to disagree on the matter. i cant stand man united and hate when i see thread open up on an Aberdeen chat site saying how great they are.


And youll have to point out why im a glory hunter for supporting Aberdeen. If your saying glory in the sense that they have a better infrastructure and chance of winning a major trophy than say Huntly or Cove Rangers then i take your argument but the club i love are located a mere 2 miles from the house where i grew up. Those clubs are a much greater distance away so location wise, i support my local side.


You support man united coz your mum likes Denis Law. again, i can take that point. thats a better argument than coz my bro supports liverpool. trying to belittle me by saying "basic child psychology?" is ignorant. and im not saying ignorant to belittle you, im saying that the way you picked out that point the way you did was childish in an attempt to get others to laugh.


yes, basic child psychology coz children look to emulate their elder siblings as they attempt to seek approval from both their brothers and sisters but also their parents as they assume doing so will get them positive attention. so for you to say you chose to support man united when your bro supports liverpool (without telling me your mum is a united fan) seemed wracked with lies.


Final point, I didnt support Aberdeen as a child coz i didnt like football until i was 12. My Dad doesnt support any team as far as im aware, my grand parents are hardcore Aberdeen fans but i never realised till i also fell in love with the club. So, even though i had no influence to make Aberdeen "my side" since parents didnt tell me who to support, grand parents didnt tell me to, and my mates were Rangers or Celtic fans...i think ive done quite well to become a dandy.

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I repeat, EVERYONE (within-reason), is a glory-hunter to an extent. I could easily prove this, but will let you work it out for yourself.I chose to support United as my mum is a fan. She started following United when Denis Law was playing.


Believe it or not, but a lot of Aberdeen fans support United because of the 'Fergie factor'.

Basic child psychology?!?

Yes. I've supported United for the majority of my lifetime, and still do. This isn't justifcation, it is fact. I remember supporting United in the 80's.




WTF are you gibbering on about?!? Did you choose to support Aberdeen as a child, then continue this as you grew up, or did you just decide to start supporting them when you became an adult? Most people I know support the team they 'chose' when they were wee.



would you be so kind as to prove it to me then as i must be thick. i support 2 football teams ABERDEEN and SCOTLAND. wheres the glory hunting in that?

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