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Andy Townsend & Robbie Earle really spoil the ITV coverage are dreadful! Those two haven't a brain cell to share between themselves.


Maybe they'll bring back Andy Townsend's 'Tactics Truck'! :laughing:


will be getting setanta TV ( on freeview no less) for the start of next season SPL, EPL Euro leagues and now some FA cup stuff as well.


I've already signed up for Setanta on Freeview and it's great the amount of football there is. With the FA Cup now being signed up, it'll be even more worth the

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ITV won the rights for the FA Cup.

Am I the only one who despises ITVs football coverage?


No. I do.


They don't even have Gabby Logan anymore, I could be wrong but hasn't she moved to the BBC?


Only positive is that I'll be getting even more for my money with Setanta.

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I'm sure Setanta isn't showing English Premier League games, but England internationals instead, no?


They'll have both - Setanta showing 46 English Premiership games as of next season. Football starting to get more and more expensive for those of with a SKY sports subscription, a Setanta subscription, a season ticket..... :thumbs: Almost starting to look worth the

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I also hate ITV coverage of football.


You can't expect an intelligent pundit, or even a coherent one and the bbc certainly have their share of a few who meet neither criteria but meet the absolute tosser requirement, but the bbc coverage is still infinitely superior.


I always think of ITV as an Americanisation of everything, trying to 'big it up'.


Clive Tyldsley is an utter c*nt, but I hate Jonathan Pearce more, go and commentate about sh*tty little servo motor powered lawnmowers driving into each other again you fat brillo pube headed c*nt.


ITV sucks major balls.

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I also hate ITV coverage of football.


You can't expect an intelligent pundit, or even a coherent one and the bbc certainly have their share of a few who meet neither criteria but meet the absolute tosser requirement, but the bbc coverage is still infinitely superior.


I always think of ITV as an Americanisation of everything, trying to 'big it up'.


Clive Tyldsley is an utter c*nt, but I hate Jonathan Pearce more, go and commentate about sh*tty little servo motor powered lawnmowers driving into each other again you fat brillo pube headed c*nt.


ITV sucks major balls.

I like Jonathen Pearce, at least he sounds different from all the other f*ckwits.

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Andy Townsend & Robbie Earle really spoil the ITV coverage are dreadful! Those two haven't a brain cell to share between themselves.


Oh well, at least we don't have to put up with Sally McCoist any more!


I like Robbie Earle, in fact i'd go as far as saying he is my favourite English pundit. He is intelligent, eloquent and has his feet firmly on the ground. He also doesnt seem to have any particular allegiance unlike most other former players.

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Guest redbrigade

ITV just proved how hopeless they are in the Liverpool game tonight by losing sound twice in the first 5 minutes of their "coverage". They really are a shambles and its dreadful that the BBC will have no live football from the season after next.


Anyway, Setanta is looking worth subscribing to. Does anybody know if they definitely won't be using PPV for any of their PPL games?

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Anyway, Setanta is looking worth subscribing to. Does anybody know if they definitely won't be using PPV for any of their PPL games?


I'm thinking of the same. When Setanta first got the SPL rights I thought I'd never subscribe to it. However I can't cope with Scotsport anymore and the fact you can get it through Freeview and it covers a number of different leagues means I'll probably get it next season.

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I prefer the BBC's football coverage to ITV's, especially during the World Cup and European Championships.


Yea when you compare BBC to ITV, ITV always feels like a class below the BBC. MotD > The Premiership, BBC coverage of major tournaments > ITVs coverage. Even Sportscene Results does a better job then Scotsport SPL.

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