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Roma vs Man Utd

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Wouldna like to get on the wrong side of those cops, don't even think they are properly trained, probably told to hit first as questions later

I don't think they ask questions, they just chase the young fans away and beat up the old ones who fall over. As i posted on another board earlier, IF we qualify for Europe i really DON'T want an Italian team, they'll kill us on the park and in the stands.

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Not wanting to defend the police as I thought they were far too brutal from what I saw on TV, but what the hell did the Man U fans think was going to happen when they charged the barrier? Fecking idiots on one side and trigger happy police on the other do not for fun times make.


Getting back to the match itself, I have to say that Roma are the most entertaining team I've seen in a long time. I don't think I saw the keeper hoof it up the park once tonight - he was always looking to roll it out to one of his defenders to build from the back. Coupled with their unusual but effective 4-6-0 formation it made for some fantastic football :applause:

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Guest El Padre
:applause::applause: .... can hear it now from the huns..... Italian police the same as Spanish police, we r innocent, w r the peepil! :o


On clips linked above looks brutal, ..... but what happened before?, were M Utd fans "innocent"???


Middlesbrough went there and managed not to get the sh*te kicked out of them, so something before the game must have sparked it off :unsure:

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Guest LondonScottish
Not wanting to defend the police as I thought they were far too brutal from what I saw on TV, but what the hell did the Man U fans think was going to happen when they charged the barrier? Fecking idiots on one side and trigger happy police on the other do not for fun times make.


The Man utd firm charged the barrier after Roma scored. Police may have seemed heavy handed at times, but you can't blame them too much trying stop that little firm breaking down the barrier. Would have been far more serious if the two sets of fans had actually got to each other, rather than just banging on perspex!!

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Middlesbrough went there and managed not to get the sh*te kicked out of them, so something before the game must have sparked it off :applause:


Yeah, only 10 of the 'Boro fans were stabbed so I suppose they got off lightly.


If I were a Feyenoord fan I would be asking some serious questions of Uefa this morning about both clubs (and the Hun).

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Guest TenementFunster
I don't think they ask questions, they just chase the young fans away and beat up the old ones who fall over. As i posted on another board earlier, IF we qualify for Europe i really DON'T want an Italian team, they'll kill us on the park and in the stands.


That's about the size of it.

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Guest TenementFunster
Middlesbrough went there and managed not to get the sh*te kicked out of them, so something before the game must have sparked it off :applause:


10 stabbed and dozens leathered by "police" and ultras. We really don't want Italians should we qualify for ANY European tournament.

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Guest TenementFunster

Probably not Robo. Cops in Rome and fans in Rome are not for the faint hearted and the "no-go" areas don't matter much when they plough straight into a crowded boozer in one of the biggest squares in Rome.


I haven't seen any of the footage but I suspect there will be more than a hint of self preservation in the actions of the Man U fans, Roma fans wanting to kick f*ck out of you, Roman cops wanting to kick f*ck out of you and quite willing for the fans to help for a bit too.

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It was after the game that pissed me off when Ruud Guiillit and Richard Keys were showing the Roma fans charge the fence and throwing bottles when they scored, and Ruud Guillit and Keys called it disgraceful and out of order this that and the next thing, but yet when Man United scored, and thru' bottles, Keys and Guillit never once made a comment on it.


Man United fans caused trouble in Lille, and now in Roma, but yet they say they are innocent fans. I'm not saying the Ultra's are innocent either, but when police are on your side of the barrier, and you decide to charge them and kick the barrier, OBVIOUSLY police are going to re-act to it.


"Stay away from certain area's of Rome" is what Man United fans were told, but yet many fans head to that areas of Italy, where many have been stabbed. So reports say.


It was 6 of one, half a dozen the other.


How did i know you'd take that view??


ManU fans were ridiculously stupid to charge the perspex screen. Aside from anything else, what the f*ck's the point? However, why were the police only on one side of the screen and not both?


Either way, whether there's been trouble before with ManU fans or not, repeatedly beating someone when they're on the deck is bad form and heavy handed no matter what team they support.

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Guest TenementFunster
However, why were the police only on one side of the screen and not both?


That is for the police's protection.

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How did i know you'd take that view??


ManU fans were ridiculously stupid to charge the perspex screen. Aside from anything else, what the f*ck's the point? However, why were the police only on one side of the screen and not both?


Either way, whether there's been trouble before with ManU fans or not, repeatedly beating someone when they're on the deck is bad form and heavy handed no matter what team they support.


I've no doubt in my mind that some of the United "support" went over there for trouble[ie the muppets that charged the barrier], however its the "genuine" fans that got caught up in it I feel sorry for to be honest. Some people were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. The lassie that was appealing for calm getting shoved in the face for example.




This dude looked anything but a thug standing there with his camera, and got one helluva beating...didn't look like he knew what day it was!


Same old story though, mindless thugs will always ruin it for the others.

On both sides...

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Ermmmmm probably because you'd have the same view if it was Liverpool that were caught up in it?


I feel sorry for the fans that weren't there to cause trouble.


Ultra's will always run Italy, and the police are scared nowadays ESPECIALLY after one of their own was killed at a game this season.


No, i wouldn't actually. Unlike yourself, i can see the bigger picture and im not that petty.

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No, i wouldn't actually. Unlike yourself, i can see the bigger picture and im not that petty.


Looking at it from a neutral point of view, I think Robo has a point. Normally he does come across as quite blinkered as far as the Liverpool/Man U thing is concerned, but from what I can gather, he makes a valid point here.


The British media are very quick to present a one-sided view on things, and it may be the case in this situation.


The Italian police can be very baton-happy, it has to be admitted, but if what Robo says is correct, and there were things being thrown from the crowd, then it has to be expected that action will be taken. In Italy, that involves beating the sh*t out of folk. I know that, you know that, Robo knows that. In fact, I'm willing to bet the silly c*nts that were throwing stuff knew that, so, to an extent, they only have themselves to blame. That innocent genuine supporters got caught up in it as a result of those actions is another matter, which Robo does acknowledge and as a result, I'd say he's being far from petty, indeed it seems as though you are the petty one who is failing to see the big picture.

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Looking at it from a neutral point of view, I think Robo has a point. Normally he does come across as quite blinkered as far as the Liverpool/Man U thing is concerned, but from what I can gather, he makes a valid point here.


The British media are very quick to present a one-sided view on things, and it may be the case in this situation.


The Italian police can be very baton-happy, it has to be admitted, but if what Robo says is correct, and there were things being thrown from the crowd, then it has to be expected that action will be taken. In Italy, that involves beating the sh*t out of folk. I know that, you know that, Robo knows that. In fact, I'm willing to bet the silly c*nts that were throwing stuff knew that, so, to an extent, they only have themselves to blame. That innocent genuine supporters got caught up in it as a result of those actions is another matter, which Robo does acknowledge and as a result, I'd say he's being far from petty, indeed it seems as though you are the petty one who is failing to see the big picture.


Wise up. I've already said that the ManU fans last night were ridiculously stupid, and they did throw things. Keys and Gullit did actually comment that the ManU fans threw stuff back at Roma when Rooney scored.


My main point however, is that no matter what team these people support, whether it's ManU, Liverpool, Aberdeen or Partick Thistle, no one should be taking beatings like that from a so called Police Force.

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My main point however, is that no matter what team these people support, whether it's ManU, Liverpool, Aberdeen or Partick Thistle, no one should be taking beatings like that from a so called Police Force.


I see your point, but everyone knows that that's thhe way things are in Italy - UEFA can't exactly tell the Italian police what to do. Everyone knows that and if they choose to provoke them, then they can't really complain about what happens - again, leaving aside the innocent people that got involved.


In respect of the 'wise up' comment, I'm sorry, but you've confused me. You implied Robo was being petty for saying exactly that, and now you are holding that up as an example of your open-mindedness?

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There was ALWAYS gonna be trouble at this game.....


I mean last year 3 Boro fans stabbed

Few years ago 14 Liverpool fans stabbed

Last night, Man Utd fans - trouble.......


No getting away from the fact that none of these 3 teams are innocnet by any means....but the Italians are fkn nutters.....and so are the police!

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The blame lies soley at the door of the police.


Any set of fans would have had an element who would have reacted in that manner to Roma's provakation. Do you really think no Dandies would have done the same in that situation?


Why were there no police to restrain the hundreds of Roma fans who ran to the perspex glass? I find it hard to believe that there was no police presence on the other side, because they are afraid. These guys are so badly behaved, so let's just leave them alone and do what they want. Aye, ok. If that's the case, Roma should be banned from all competitions, until they can prove that they are able to police the fans, both their own and those visiting.


Roma have had previous incidents, even this season itself, where Atalanta fans were attacked by the police. Then there's 'Boro last season, Anders Frisk being hit by an object from the directors' box etc.


Keys and Guillit DID make mention of the bottles being thrown back by the United fans.

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