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AC Milan V Man Utd

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Here's hoping Man Utd pump Milan tonight.


Milan should never have been allowed to compete in the competition in the 1st place considering their shenanigans last season. They're 3rd in Serie A and in the semi-finals of the Champions League - they must feel aggrieved at their punishment this season. I bet they've really learnt their lesson...


Heinze, Cristiano Ronaldo and Paul Scholes are all one booking away from a ban that would rule them out of the final, should United progress.


How gutted would Scholes be if he missed another European Cup final because of suspension?!

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Here's hoping Man Utd pump Milan tonight.


Milan should never have been allowed to compete in the competition in the 1st place considering their shenanigans last season. They're 3rd in Serie A and in the semi-finals of the Champions League - they must feel aggrieved at their punishment this season. I bet they've really learnt their lesson...

How gutted would Scholes be if he missed another European Cup final because of suspension?!


Can see only one of Vidic and Ferdinand playing tonight. Too much of a risk with both playing.


I would be gutted to see Scholes miss another final IF ManU get through. He's a truly great player and makes ManU tick. Think they'll really need him to be on his game tonight, if he can control the game which would allow Ronaldo, Giggs and Rooney to get at Milan's defence then ManU have a great chance.

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pains me but i want united for the same reasons as I.Tully.


bird is a scouse fan and wants milan not to repeat the final, but coz shes scared to sh*t that united will take the trophy by beating liverpool in the last 2 mins like they always do.

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There will be huge trouble before and after the match, been told that the roma fans are going over to milan for revenge so almost certain there will be another media blow out of it!!


Man u should win to night 2-1 is my prediction, hopefully none of the players on bookings already get anotherone.

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Guest Stoney

Eeverything is in milans favour, home advantage and away goals.


Again if we lost tonight and won the league i would complain not a jot, but if we won and could shut those mickeys up that would be just super de dooper


cheeky bet

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Guest El Padre

I'm hoping Man Utd get done tonight, I've no interest in an all English final, the wankfest will live on for years to come (cum?).

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I'm hoping Man Utd get done tonight, I've no interest in an all English final, the wankfest will live on for years to come (cum?).


Putting the all English issue to one side, a Man Utd v Liverpool final would be more entertaining to watch?



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That was embarrassing Man U were really bad - not sure how they are top of the EPL!!!

I'll give you a bite shall i? Man u never turned up, AC stopped ronaldo therefore stopping man u if they never done that it would have been a totally different game, KAKA was out of this world just like their whole midfield and if they play like that against liverpool i see sh*t loads of goals in that match.

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Guest El Padre



Words can't express how much I was dreading an all England final, it would have been like 1966 X 100.


Anyway, Man U peaked too early.

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i would normally be with you padre but I must say that I agree with I.Tully. Milan are now in the European Cup Final and will be playing Champions League next year, I bet their well gutted with their "punishment" Hope Liverpool do them in the final again.


I was watching the game on ESPN in Canada and they made an interesting point that if Fergie won the Euro Cup this year he would win a Euro Trophy every 8 years, not to be though. They even flashed up a wee graphic.



1983 : Cup Winners Cup (with Aberdeen)

1991 : Cup Winners Cup

1999 : Champions League

2007 : ????


I think the pub was a bit confused as to why I was so happy when this sh*tty graphic came up.

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It is a total tragedy that Milan have got to the final when in reality they should never been in the competition in the first place if the Italian FA had given them a proper punishment. Totally devalues what is already a pathetic immatation of what was once a great Trophy.


Having said all that I do find it hilarious that after all the bollocks about ManU and Chelsea battling it out on 3 fronts for honours neither side managed to get to the final. I would imagine that after they imploded last time vs Liverpool, Milan will come out all guns blazing a totally rape Liverpool in the final.

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