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Champions??? League Final

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Guest Stoney

hence the reason why i have said the premier league means more to me.


Liverpool havnt won the league title in 18 years so how can they say they are one of the best teams in europe? :)

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hence the reason why i have said the premier league means more to me.


Liverpool havnt won the league title in 18 years so how can they say they are one of the best teams in europe? :)


Well because they have beaten all the other european teams they have faced - Man U have not - simple as that


The Champs league is for the best team in europe, the league is the best team in england


but losers usually come out with some lame pish like that - so im not surprised to see it from you :)

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Guest Stoney
Well because they have beaten all the other european teams they have faced - Man U have not - simple as that


The Champs league is for the best team in europe, the league is the best team in england


but losers usually come out with some lame pish like that - so im not surprised to see it from you :)



So hearts are one of the best teams in the world now??


Aye right champions league is 12 games or something which you can afford to play for a draw, you have to win games to win leagues.


You cant honestly tell me if liverpool win it they are the best team in europe - have they beat one single team of any note ?

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So hearts are one of the best teams in the world now??


Aye right champions league is 12 games or something which you can afford to play for a draw, you have to win games to win leagues.


You cant honestly tell me if liverpool win it they are the best team in europe - have they beat one single team of any note ?


Hearts didn't win any game so no - they just won the right to get a chance at it !!


Well Liverpool did beat Chelsea and Barcelona - thats not a bad start !!

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I think the only interesting thing about the 2 semi finals is that it shows you can't really buy success at the top level with both Man Utd and Chelsea not getting through whilst Liverpool did.


Although I don't include AC Milan in that statement as their corrupt Italians so who knows how much their team cost. :)

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Milan should not have been in the tournament in the first place they cheated last year therefore everything they acheived should have been taken away from them.


Thats not an excuse for tonight though United just never got going, here's hoping Milan beat the Bin Dippers in the final.

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Guest Stoney
as have united in many games this season


doesn't matter luck or not - its about doing what you have to do


Im not taking it away from Uts - just your sour grapes taste rotten !!



Read back my posts since the start of the season have said on many occasions its a micky mouse cup and winning the league is far more important

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united, arsenal and liverpool shoudlnt even be in the CHAMPIONS league. the league for domestic CHAMPIONS. in the end, its europes best two european teams that have progressed. cant tell me liverpool dont deserve to be there. theyve had hard ties and come through them all as have milan.


best teams domestically - no.

best teams at playing the european way - arguably yes.

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Guest Stoney

Liverpools run has been by far the easiest.


Maccabia in the Prelims


PSV - Galatasary - Bordeux in the groups (not one really stern test there)


Out of the 3 games they played after that theres no way you Can say that they proved they were Barca and Chelsea in actually fact they were very very lucky.


Anyway this could go on a while, They are there now and if they win good luck to them but theres no way on earth anyone can say they "deserve" to be there.


Milan have proved against the best teams in the world why they are there, but should they even have played in the 1st place?

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Bitterness from United fans I see.


You basically admitted yourself last night your fans and Fergie want to conquer Europe once again. I thought I'd hear excuses this morning AS SOON as United went out. If I had come on here IF Man Who had won, would I have been reading the same crap? Nope!


You're OUT. Your team were f*ckin balls last night, claimed to be up for it but yet couldn't even put 3 passes together. I predicted I'd hear from Stoney, and the usual "We don't want the CL", you're hurting mate - you and I BOTH know it. Couldn't answer your phone to me last night as you couldn't handle the stick you would have got from me. I'm not fooled by your pish excuse that we didn't want the Champions League and all the rest. Every Man United fan will be hurting, as they wanted their treble!!!


Full of sh*te!




Totally correct. Every Man Utd fan will be hurting today, particularly at the manner in which they were beaten. I can't say that I'm a Man Utd "fan" as such, but they are certainly the team I take most interest in, in England. Watching the game last night, I was getting extremely frustrated at how the team were playing, so I can imagine what actual supporters of the club were going through. AC Milan dominated Utd in every way - they out-played and out-fought them.


Every competition is there to be won. Every Utd fan wanted to win that one. No question.

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Guest Stoney
Bitterness from United fans I see.


You basically admitted yourself last night your fans and Fergie want to conquer Europe once again. I thought I'd hear excuses this morning AS SOON as United went out. If I had come on here IF Man Who had won, would I have been reading the same crap? Nope!


You're OUT. Your team were f*ckin balls last night, claimed to be up for it but yet couldn't even put 3 passes together. I predicted I'd hear from Stoney, and the usual "We don't want the CL", you're hurting mate - you and I BOTH know it. Couldn't answer your phone to me last night as you couldn't handle the stick you would have got from me. I'm not fooled by your pish excuse that we didn't want the Champions League and all the rest. Every Man United fan will be hurting, as they wanted their treble!!!


Full of sh*te!





Someones talking sh*te again


Premier league title is more important for most, heres hoping we get that in the bag and anything else FA Cup/champs league is just a bonus after that.


For me this takes second place to the Premier league now, would be nice to win this but the league title means a lot more.


Eeverything is in milans favour, home advantage and away goals.


Again if we lost tonight and won the league i would complain not a jot, but if we won and could shut those mickeys up that would be just super de dooper


cheeky bet

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Guest glasgowdon

At the end of the day, Milan were the better team on the night and got the job done.


Liverpool and Milan are taking advantage of the fact that the top four teams in their respective leagues qualify for the competition.

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Well because they have beaten all the other european teams they have faced - Man U have not - simple as that


The Champs league is for the best team in europe, the league is the best team in england


but losers usually come out with some lame pish like that - so im not surprised to see it from you :itch-chin:



No, no, no it's for the RICHEST teams in Europe

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My point is more about how the competition is now just a farce, ending up with 2 teams who finished 3rd in their league. "Champions" League they say but over the years very few domestic Champions in the finals. All about money and pandering to the big leagues in Europe. Format of the competition is also designed to weed out the smaller sides. Any team can get a lucky result over 2 legs (look at Liverpool) but in the group format mostly the big teams come through in the end. Both Liverpool and Milan have lost 3 Champions League matches this season yet still are in the final. Farce if you ask me.

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Totally correct. Every Man Utd fan will be hurting today, particularly at the manner in which they were beaten. I can't say that I'm a Man Utd "fan" as such, but they are certainly the team I take most interest in, in England. Watching the game last night, I was getting extremely frustrated at how the team were playing, so I can imagine what actual supporters of the club were going through. AC Milan dominated Utd in every way - they out-played and out-fought them.


Every competition is there to be won. Every Utd fan wanted to win that one. No question.


Absolutely. Every fan of every team wants to win every game their team plays in and therefore wants to win every competition they compete in. It just so happens that ManUtd are one of the few teams in Europe who have the ability to be realistic challengers in every competition they're in.


I'm a follower of ManUtd and was excited before last nights game and was disappointed they didnt do it so I'd imagine the guys who follow them all over Europe are pretty gutted about it. But they'll be back again next season, and the double is still on so i'd imagine that would soften the blow a touch!

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My point is more about how the competition is now just a farce, ending up with 2 teams who finished 3rd in their league. "Champions" League they say but over the years very few domestic Champions in the finals. All about money and pandering to the big leagues in Europe. Format of the competition is also designed to weed out the smaller sides. Any team can get a lucky result over 2 legs (look at Liverpool) but in the group format mostly the big teams come through in the end. Both Liverpool and Milan have lost 3 Champions League matches this season yet still are in the final. Farce if you ask me.


I agree with you, the competition is now more the "European Cup" than it ever was. Supposedly Platini wants it changed back to only the Champions entering, but i reckon the chances of sponsors allowing this, not to mention the fuss made by the big clubs, are slim.

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What gets me is not solely the fact that the Champions League is not only for Champions, but also that Milan, a team who cheated in the league in the previous season, were allowed to take part in the competition in the first place. The Italian FA chickened out and UEFA should've got involved.

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If Liverpool win the European cup again they will have proved they are one of the best cup teams in europe, but struggle with the consistency necessary to win the premiership.

But they still get the official title of best team in Europe!!

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Guest Stoney
Your still bitter because you couldn't hold onto a 2-0 and a 3-2 scoreline against us in the FA Cup. West Ham (Championship Club) have never liked Liverpool for that. If we win the European Cup, why shouldn't we have the title of best team in Europe.



Did you not win that one on penalties also :ThumbsDown:

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Liverpools run has been by far the easiest.



Anyway this could go on a while, They are there now and if they win good luck to them but theres no way on earth anyone can say they "deserve" to be there.


I would. They've done enough to beat or get past everyone that has been put in front of them in the competition, hence, they deserve to be in the final.

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Your still bitter because you couldn't hold onto a 2-0 and a 3-2 scoreline against us in the FA Cup. West Ham (Championship Club) have never liked Liverpool for that. If we win the European Cup, why shouldn't we have the title of best team in Europe.



Because your not even in the top two of your respective league and have not won the league title for almost 20 years. Best in europe my arse.


Jose nailed it when he called then a good cup team.

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Because your not even in the top two of your respective league and have not won the league title for almost 20 years. Best in europe my arse.


Jose nailed it when he called then a good cup team.


The 'best team in Europe' have been beaten by just a few teams this season :-


3-0 by Everton

2-0 by Bolton

1-0 by Chelsea (on two occasions)

3-0, 3-1 and 6-3 (at home) by Arsenal

2-0 and 1-0 by Man Utd

1-0 by Blackburn

3-2 by Galatasaray

2-1 by Newcastle

1-0 by Barcelona

2-1 by Portsmouth


That's impressive stuff :ThumbsDown:


They've made the Champions League final, and best of luck to them, but they are NOT the best team in Europe. Until they win the Premiership (18 years and counting), they can't claim to be the best at anything.

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