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leeds fans petition

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my mate showed me a leeds united fan forum yesterday in which someone has started a petition.


It basicly read that leeds should not be relegated from the championship as they are too big a club. The reasoning behind this is that if the petition is accepted, then any team that finishes with champions league qualification for 2 successive years cannot ever be relegated further than 1 division.


Should any team mind themselves in this predicament, then the they will not be relegated, instead, the fans of that club will be given the oppertunity to vote for ANY of the other teams in the division to go down regardless of where they finish in the league that season.


its so stuid that its barely even funny....but somehow it is.


i cant find it now so im assuming it was deleted but ffs...that kept me laughing for a long assed time.

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my mate showed me a leeds united fan forum yesterday in which someone has started a petition.


It basicly read that leeds should not be relegated from the championship as they are too big a club. The reasoning behind this is that if the petition is accepted, then any team that finishes with champions league qualification for 2 successive years cannot ever be relegated further than 1 division.


Should any team mind themselves in this predicament, then the they will not be relegated, instead, the fans of that club will be given the oppertunity to vote for ANY of the other teams in the division to go down regardless of where they finish in the league that season.


its so stuid that its barely even funny....but somehow it is.


i cant find it now so im assuming it was deleted but ffs...that kept me laughing for a long assed time.


What a load of crap! Leeds dug their own grave and deserve no sympathy as far as I'm concerned.

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What a load of crap! Leeds dug their own grave and deserve no sympathy as far as I'm concerned.


Indeed, by getting themselves into so much debt to get to the Champions League. You could in fact argue that they should be docked even more points as a result of their financial mismanagement and they shouldn't be allowed in any league - just saying like!

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