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I know about what the new guy promised but still very stupid, he could have sold the shares for 5million and the guy could have then promised 25million to the club.


Life is not always about money!!!


The Chairman loves the club and is already rich so he doesn't need the money but he knows he can't take the club any futher so sold it for

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Hayward has ploughed tens of millions into Wolves over the years whats another 5 if it means he'll be able see wolves playing in the prem on his telly in his house in the Bahamas and have none of the worries?

Still, he was hardly the motivator when he was there. I can mind about 12 - 13 years ago when wolves were on course for the Prem and he anounced with about 5 games left that if they made it he would buy a whole new team.

Cue the existing team loosing the remaining five games and missing out, fit a surprise! :hysterical:

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Guest LondonScottish
Willing to sacrifice millions of pounds in order for the club he supports to get a cash injection.



Is he not a life-long Liverpool fan, who tried on a at least two occasions to take over at Anfield.? He was never going to have enough for Liverpool, butat least this gives him a realistic chance of playing fantasy football in the Premiership.

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Is he not a life-long Liverpool fan, who tried on a at least two occasions to take over at Anfield.? He was never going to have enough for Liverpool, butat least this gives him a realistic chance of playing fantasy football in the Premiership.


That's the incoming benefactor you're talking about.

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