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Best League in the world?

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Had an argument last night with an Englishman over whether the EPL was "the best league in the world." :tossr:


Riches league yes but....the question that it came down to was whether the teams of La Liga (outside top 4) were better than the teams in the EPL (again outside top 4).


My point was there was no contest and the Spanish teams were clearly ahead. :thumbup1:


Helped by my Hun boss who watched the Osasuna games and declared that although they are 14th in La Liga they would wipe the floor with any of the teams in England outwith the big 4 and maybe spurs...


Was I being too bias simply because the attitude of the other guy or is that a fair observation?

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well 3 out 4 Champion (sic) League semifinalists were english while 3 out 4 uefa cup semifinalists were spanish which maybe suggests that the top of the epl is the best but La Liga has more depth.


With the ridiculous amount of money the epl has they have to market themselves as "the best league in the world" but most the games I see are boring as f*ck. More excitement in our sh*tty wee back water of a league.



Don't know if that helps your argument but as a rule your default position should be that the epl is a overhyped piece of pish

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Guest TenementFunster
well 3 out 4 Champion (sic) League semifinalists were english while 3 out 4 uefa cup semifinalists were spanish which maybe suggests that the top of the epl is the best but La Liga has more depth.


With the ridiculous amount of money the epl has they have to market themselves as "the best league in the world" but most the games I see are boring as f*ck. More excitement in our sh*tty wee back water of a league.

Don't know if that helps your argument but as a rule your default position should be that the epl is a overhyped piece of pish


The Champions League this season was an uninspiring load of sh*te, the final summing the entire tounament up.

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The Champions League this season was an uninspiring load of sh*te, the final summing the entire tounament up.

the champions league, and indeed the world cup and euro championships, have been a waste of spce over the last few years. Too much familiarity between the "top" players. Used to be that a game like Chelsea v Barca was a huge event now it is just "another" game as far as I'm concerned. Same in the World Cup. Used to be exciting watching unheard of players form Africa and South America destroying the European Superpowers now everyone has played aganst each other a dozen times that season in the Champions League.


If you ask me the Champions League has ruined alot of what I used to love about top level football. At the end of the day the EPL can be the best league in the world if it wants. It is still boring as f*ck and even more predictable than the SPL and 3 places in the semis of the champions league won't change that

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If you ask me the Champions League has ruined alot of what I used to love about top level football.


couldnt put it any better than that. The CL has to a large extent spoilt national competitions. Im sick of seeing Kaka all the time and hes a few thousand miles away from me. Same for Ronaldinho.

No longer do we get excited about the top games as they NEVER live up to the hype.


Regarding your argument, taking that osasuna game out of the context of how they have played all season is like saying the westham tottenham game that ended 4-3 is how all english games go. I wouldnt say la liga is better than the EPL as pretty much any team at a decent level can now hold their own.


I dont know how youd go about deciding which league is the better one. Goal quality? Goal frequency? Number of top players at each club? I dunno...

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The EPL is certainly one of the best leagues in the world alongside the Spanish league. I don't honestly think you can say one is better than the other though.


For technical ability Spain wins it hands down, the English league however has a lot more flair and is a lot of the time more entertaining to watch than the Spanish league.

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The EPL is certainly one of the best leagues in the world alongside the Spanish league. I don't honestly think you can say one is better than the other though.


For technical ability Spain wins it hands down, the English league however has a lot more flair and is a lot of the time more entertaining to watch than the Spanish league.


I agree with this


I think the EPL is very entertaining - yes there are a few boring games but overal there is some brilliant teams to watch - esp last season Tottenham - all their games were class !!


Next season I think Man U will be a joy to watch - I reckon Liverpool will be too

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The EPL is certainly one of the best leagues in the world alongside the Spanish league. I don't honestly think you can say one is better than the other though.


For technical ability Spain wins it hands down, the English league however has a lot more flair and is a lot of the time more entertaining to watch than the Spanish league.


totally disagree with that.


only teams that can actually claim to be entertaining from the EPL are man utd andenal and i enjoyed watching some reading games this year.


arsenal would have mounted a serious challenge if they would stop trying to walk the ball into the net but theyhave played some great football at times.

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For me the Spanish league wins hands down. However a league that i would like to see a lot more of would be the Argentinian league. Watched a programme on sky last night about football hooligans abroad and it was Argentina. The games are completely mental so would like to see more of that. Anybody know if its ever on the tv at anypoint? Think there is another one tonight on the Italian hooligans :(

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Guest TenementFunster
For me the Spanish league wins hands down. However a league that i would like to see a lot more of would be the Argentinian league. Watched a programme on sky last night about football hooligans abroad and it was Argentina. The games are completely mental so would like to see more of that. Anybody know if its ever on the tv at anypoint? Think there is another one tonight on the Italian hooligans :(


Argie football used to be on late at night on 5. It was pretty sh*t mate.

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My favourite is the Bundesliga both on and off the pitch...the Germans have it sorted for football! Very competitive league aswell. May not be the best quality but i'm nae fussed as long as theres afew goals which there is (highest ave. goals per game in Europe - or at least it was a few seasons ago)


Least compeitive league has to be France...you've got Lyon and the rest!

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Guest glasgowdon

Despite the fact that the UEFA Cup is not as coveted as the European Cup, I found the whole UEFA Competition a lot more exciting (especially the final) than the European Cup.

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Despite the fact that the UEFA Cup is not as coveted as the European Cup, I found the whole UEFA Competition a lot more exciting (especially the final) than the European Cup.


Cant really disagree with that. The quality of the football in the UEFA cup final was a far higher standard than that of the champions league final.

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To suggest the Spanish league is anywhere close to the same quality as the EPL is a farce.


Give me a La Liga game any day of the week.


Sky would like you to think the EPL is the best, but its all smoke and mirrors.


Good shout from whoever said the Bundesliga. Competitive league with cheap ticket prices, full stadiums, beer at games and terracing. If I had to choose a league to attend, it would be in Germany. SFA take note! Football as entertainment and not just a business.

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