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Aberdeenshire Amateur Football

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Anyone looking for a club next season?


Sportsmans Club are looking for some fresh blood this season. Just been promoted to the 1st Division (Amateur Saturday league) so hoping to bring in some new faces to mount a challenge on this league.


Good set up. Get use of the Sportsmans Club (Queens Road) for a swally after games etc. Good bunch of guys there at moment.


If interested leave me a PM and i will fill you in with the details.


Thanks lads.

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  • 1 month later...
I take it you've had an unpleasant encounter playing against Mintla'?? That wouldn't surprise me at all, what happened???

They were beating us 2-0 in a game. We were all over them, it was just a case of us scoring, our striker rounds their keeper, who then kung fu kicks him about 2 yards out (we played them the week before & he tried the same thing when the player rounded him) so he gets sent off. The ref lets some random boy from the sidelines wearing combats go in goals. We scored the pen, then a free kick & won in the last minute. One of our players was sent off, a big group of people waiting to give him a beating at the changing rooms then a massive argument afterwards etc. So should be a good game this year :thumbup1:

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They were beating us 2-0 in a game. We were all over them, it was just a case of us scoring, our striker rounds their keeper, who then kung fu kicks him about 2 yards out (we played them the week before & he tried the same thing when the player rounded him) so he gets sent off. The ref lets some random boy from the sidelines wearing combats go in goals. We scored the pen, then a free kick & won in the last minute. One of our players was sent off, a big group of people waiting to give him a beating at the changing rooms then a massive argument afterwards etc. So should be a good game this year :hysterical:



Sounds like an average Mintlaw game... Kepper averages 4 sendings off a season... :hysterical: Thankfully I'm nae playing for them this year, too old for shennanigans like that, so I'm pleased to say I've got a season ticket for the first time in years!

Who do you play for?

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Just noticed this post and feel I have to politely say "Were you fcuk!"


You had three shots on goal in the whole game and were soundly beaten.

Soundly beaten? What about Stoneywoods keeper making an arse of a clearance from our corner, which was lobbed over him, cleared off the line then the rebound shot was blocked (by a player BEHIND the line with his hand) no pen or goal given. Should have been a blatant red card for the idiot breaking Brad's leg. Stoneywoods first goal being two yards offside & the second coming in the alst minute when we had about 8 up front. Tube.

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Soundly beaten? What about Stoneywoods keeper making an arse of a clearance from our corner, which was lobbed over him, cleared off the line then the rebound shot was blocked (by a player BEHIND the line with his hand) no pen or goal given. Should have been a blatant red card for the idiot breaking Brad's leg. Stoneywoods first goal being two yards offside & the second coming in the alst minute when we had about 8 up front. Tube.

Stoneywood scored 2 offside goals against us last week aswell.

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The manager is an ex Inverness Caley Thistle player also. Nickname Spider


Graeme Stewart? Played for Peterhead as well.


Would be strange for him to drop all the way down to amateur since he's still easily good enough to play Highland League at the very least.

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I'm playing for Deva Dons this season.


GS isn't our manager, he just takes our training. He has just signed

for Buckie Thistle so BTR you are indeed correct in what you have said.


We've played Hillhead Juniors (0-5), Postal (0-6) and Lads Club (2-3).


Not too bad considering we have barely played together, we've had a few lads in Zante and a couple offshore.


These two ex-ICT players are a mystery to me Robo???


I have heard that FC Polska are brilliant, made up of semi-pro's from Poland who used to play 3rd division in over there.

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I'm playing for Deva Dons this season.


GS isn't our manager, he just takes our training. He has just signed

for Buckie Thistle so BTR you are indeed correct in what you have said.


We've played Hillhead Juniors (0-5), Postal (0-6) and Lads Club (2-3).


Not too bad considering we have barely played together, we've had a few lads in Zante and a couple offshore.


These two ex-ICT players are a mystery to me Robo???


I have heard that FC Polska are brilliant, made up of semi-pro's from Poland who used to play 3rd division in over there.


having seen FC Polska play - i wouldnt say they are brilliant


they had one or two useful players esp there right midfielder


they just "hoove" the thing

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He was a popular figure at the bloo toon I know that much. Decent player whenever I saw him but I think he was in and out the team alot with injuries.


I myself had a wee stint in the amateurs when I was at uni but I hated it. The differing abilities of the players in the teams was hugely frustrating. We had three or four guys who'd played Junior and Highland League and in the same team you'd have guys who couldn't play a ten yard pass to you.

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Bobo, were you there on saturday when your game was postponed?


I was one of the 5 that turned up for the DEVA's!


Did you lot end up winning the tournament?

Yeah I was there, wa spissed off it was off. Your team would have had enough players if the hungover players were allowed a game! We offered you players too! We won it, 3 wins out of 3 which is good as two of the teams are in our league & your team is supposed to be decent.

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Just noticed this post and feel I have to politely say "Were you fcuk!"


You had three shots on goal in the whole game and were soundly beaten.


Stoneywood eh? You'll know CR then. I hear he's suspended for violent conduct though. :laughing: Excellent player, could easily play Junior if he wasn't such a lazy get. ;)

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