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Copa America

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the first game and its been U r gay the whole game but Peru and are now winning 3-0! unbelievable!


Fancy a few quid on the Argies to win it! think Brazil are resting a few players



I thought the same for the Argies... only 11/8 at Hills, which is frankly piss.


Mexico were getting heavily tipped at 10/1 though.

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Thought i'd phone up and cancel my Sky Sports and get Setanta instead for the coming season. I presumed it would take a month to kick in (hence me phoning now) however they did it within hours and then I find out that this is on Sky :thumbs:


im in the same boat from Friday!

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Thought i'd phone up and cancel my Sky Sports and get Setanta instead for the coming season. I presumed it would take a month to kick in (hence me phoning now) however they did it within hours and then I find out that this is on Sky :dance:


i'm doing this too but waiting till the 16th of january because if i cancel now i will still be charged the same

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