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Just seen this on the bbc website. A trial??? Although i dont rate him at all surely a trial for a player of that pedigree is a bit cheeky. Hes only 31 as well still could be playing at the highest level. Not going to say Jimmy should use his dutch conection to try lure him north but would have thought Patrick Kluivert one of Hollands greatest strikers (goals wise) could find himself a better move than sheffield wednesday at the age of 31. still got a good 2 years left in him.

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Just seen this on the bbc website. A trial??? Although i dont rate him at all surely a trial for a player of that pedigree is a bit cheeky. Hes only 31 as well still could be playing at the highest level. Not going to say Jimmy should use his dutch conection to try lure him north but would have thought Patrick Kluivert one of Hollands greatest strikers (goals wise) could find himself a better move than sheffield wednesday at the age of 31. still got a good 2 years left in him.


We don't need Kluivert, though...we're signing Derek Young, apparently. :rolleyes::laughing:

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Just seen this on the bbc website. A trial??? Although i dont rate him at all surely a trial for a player of that pedigree is a bit cheeky. Hes only 31 as well still could be playing at the highest level. Not going to say Jimmy should use his dutch conection to try lure him north but would have thought Patrick Kluivert one of Hollands greatest strikers (goals wise) could find himself a better move than sheffield wednesday at the age of 31. still got a good 2 years left in him.


Since he left Barca, he has had three different clubs in three years and bombed at all of them. I didn't even know he moved to PSV last summer till I saw him warming up the bench against the Scousers in the Champions League. Seems like the kind of player the likes of Martin O'Neill tends to take a chance on these days and thats about it.

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