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Choices, choices


On my newly free Setanta Sports (thankyou Virgin Media) we have Newcastle v Celtic on Setanta 1 and United v Barca on Setanta 2.


Think I'll take the opportunity to catch our opening day opponents lose their 100% record that they bang on about. Should be entertaining.


still wished it was us playing barca :dance:

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Choices, choices


On my newly free Setanta Sports (thankyou Virgin Media) we have Newcastle v Celtic on Setanta 1 and United v Barca on Setanta 2.


Think I'll take the opportunity to catch our opening day opponents lose their 100% record that they bang on about. Should be entertaining.



I'm sure Barca are really looking forward to playing at the sh*te hole that is tannadump, on the pissing rain, which has just started.

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nothing like a couple of dull pre-season friendlies to make you even more desperate for some proper football


atleast the tims are getting humped.


Perhaps united will think they are world beaters after this. Should come crashing back to earth next saturday (fingers crossed and all that stuff)

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Henry missed a sitter, that was funny...


Well I say sitter... but it was a very good chance for Henry, and he skied it. I know first game an' all that blaaaaah...


Have to point out, Dundee Utd fans - c*nts. Booing the Barca players whenever they got the ball for the first 5/10 minutes. Pricks.

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did they?

Bit cheeky as united have (had) a 100% record against them and not just over one game (like out 100% record over Real Madrid)



They actually said they had no idea who either of the two Scottish teams were and I heard Rijkaard say on the radio that he was delighted to be in Scotland and that he hoped the friendly Scottish people would enjoy the evening and it should be good training for Barca. :thumbup1:

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Our 100% record is against Spanish Champions Real Madrid, Utd's is against a bunch of second rate Spanish losers.



The fact that Utd aint humping them makes me think we'll have a comfortable victory next week. :thumbup1:

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At least now we know how UTD got that particular gig.




"I'd like to enquire about a possible pre-season game with the mighty Barcalona''


Barca admin:


''No problem all you need to do is give us one million english pounds and allow us to win the match and its yours''



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behave yourself


I don't know what came over me.

Still Craig Thomson clearly had a few quid in the back pocket to ensure a barca win.


Of course united will now be getting wanked all over for the next week and in the build up for our game, which suits me fine. All the further for them to fall when we bring them back to earth

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