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Celtic Cup

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Looks like this is a goer. Does anyone actually think it's a good idea?? Can't see the point myself. Scotland, the Irelands and Wales are hardly known for their fast-flowing football, so we're either going to see 4 teams taking it seriously and kicking lumps out of each other, or using it as a kickabout which will be like watching paint dry after seeing the same teams every couple of years.

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Not sure about this one. Trip to Belfast would be alright but that novelty would soon ware off as I have already found with Dublin after recent Scotland and Dons friendlies. As for the games themselves I think friendlies should be used to get the team used to playing teams who play a differnet style than the one they are used too and I cannot see how playing three other British style teams would achive this.

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Lets face it if england was included in the list of teams to play we would all be up for it


And there's the rub. They're not included, therefore it's a complete waste of time. The smallest crowd ever at a Scotland international was for one of these bloody matches in the late 70s, when a whopping 7,000 turned up at Hampden to watch us play NI in the old British Championship. And that was in the days of Jordan, Hartford, Dalglish, Gemmill and co. I guarantee that if this gets the go-ahead it will be fairly popular for the first season, maybe two, before apathy kicks in and we all lose interest.


By all means brnig back the fixture against England - that would be :ThumbsDown: - but I really cannot see the point in this Celtic Cup thing myself.

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In the same way as they have done with Rugby, the English have no in interest in messing around with lesser mortals like ourselves as they have bigger fish to fry (like Isreal, Russia and Croatia pressumably :blahblah1: ). I think the idea has some legs, offered the choice of listening/watching a semi-competitive game against Wales or a stroll against a second string Austrian side where a total of 17 substitutions are made I know where I'm putting my weight.

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And there's the rub. They're not included, therefore it's a complete waste of time. The smallest crowd ever at a Scotland international was for one of these bloody matches in the late 70s, when a whopping 7,000 turned up at Hampden to watch us play NI in the old British Championship. And that was in the days of Jordan, Hartford, Dalglish, Gemmill and co. I guarantee that if this gets the go-ahead it will be fairly popular for the first season, maybe two, before apathy kicks in and we all lose interest.


By all means brnig back the fixture against England - that would be :blahblah1: - but I really cannot see the point in this Celtic Cup thing myself.


But would Engalnd being in it increase the crowd for the game against NI?


It didn't in the 70's so why now?


Think competitive games if fitted into the International weeks at present would be a good idea rather than as Ajja suggests pointless friendlies.


Not sure if require additional dates though.

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