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I think England will not lose to Israel and will not beat Russia.


Anything between 1 and 4 points in total - I would happily put money on two draws.


They will find it tough from there and will lose in Russia. Croatia and Russia will qualify.


i agree, the limitations of the epl are exposed at international level; no battering down barn doors for steven gerrard, they have to be more astute and patient, not in their repertoire im afraid. england do not have enough intelligent players, their style stinks and is more suited to rugby- they will never find another paul scholes. russia are technically far superior, they will qualify top; england were outclassed by croatia who were far more flexible against a systematically rigid and rank england: croatia to finish second. if someone sees a passing sequence involving more than three england passes send me a dead rat, i'll happily eat it.

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Croatia and Russia will qualify.


On one hand I'd find that scenario highly amusing, for a few days at least. However, the big tournaments are always much better fun when England qualify... Its hilarious watching the way they build themselves up during the run-up to a major tournament, only for things, inevitably, to end in tears! It's even funnier actually being in England to witness the outpouring of grief..... During the last world cup there were flags and banners everywhere around Nottingham, even my local Sainsburys was decked out with St. George Crosses etc, I've never seen anything like it! One thing I will say for English is the entire nation really gets behind their team, in a way Scotland could only dream about.....

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On one hand I'd find that scenario highly amusing, for a few days at least. However, the big tournaments are always much better fun when England qualify... Its hilarious watching the way they build themselves up during the run-up to a major tournament, only for things, inevitably, to end in tears! It's even funnier actually being in England to witness the outpouring of grief..... There were flags and banners everywhere around Nottingham, even my local Sainsburys was decked out with St. George Crosses etc, I've never seen anything like it! One thing I will say for English is the entire nation really gets behind their team, in a way Scotland could only dream about.....


patriotism is a reactionary spirit imo, it's in no way negative that many scots approach nationalism with apathy. when false unity/ being-together is fostered in other scenarios e.g vitriolic, misconceived opinions on 'immigrants', then the st george's cross would not look incongrous in 1930's germany.

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patriotism is a reactionary spirit imo, it's in no way negative that many scots approach nationalism with apathy. when false unity/ being-together is fostered in other scenarios e.g vitriolic, misconceived opinions on 'immigrants', then the st george's cross would not look incongrous in 1930's germany.


Is that you Graham Spiers? ;)

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We'll scrape a nasty nasty one goal win against hearts tomorrow, then play out a desperate backs to the wall, dead dead jammy 0-0 against the French.


England, will hump Israel by 5 or 6, be "billy big-heads" in the press for a few days, then go down 1-0 to the russkies

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We'll scrape a nasty nasty one goal win against hearts tomorrow, then play out a desperate backs to the wall, dead dead jammy 0-0 against the French.


England, will hump Israel by 5 or 6, be "billy big-heads" in the press for a few days, then go down 1-0 to the russkies

I'd happily settle for that too

in fact that is about as good as we could hope for

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Don't agrees with your comments SonoftheRock when you say England back their team to a level scotland can only dream of..........I know what you are getting at as I have witnessed the whole madness myself when living in England but I am not sure if it's anything to be particularly proud of...it's almost embarrassing really the way they go on pre tourney. I actually think the proof is in the pudding and having been to plenty of Scotland games I doubt the support England get is anything close to what Scotland get. I.e. you wont see the scotland fans booing the players off the park every other game for one.


England fans jump on the national bandwagon but they rarely back it up at the big games and usually end up slaughtering the team they apparently 'support' whenever they lose.


The Scottish fans will out sing anyone in the world! We are the number one and I am looking forward to todays game very much indeed.


Lets stuff hearts 2nd XI and win this group!

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patriotism is a reactionary spirit imo, it's in no way negative that many scots approach nationalism with apathy. when false unity/ being-together is fostered in other scenarios e.g vitriolic, misconceived opinions on 'immigrants', then the st george's cross would not look incongrous in 1930's germany.

The Scots are undoubtedly far more patriotic than the English. They only bother when they have won something or have qualified for a major finals. It's not so long ago that they flew the Union Jack rather than the George cross, such was their ignorance of their own nationality.


Comparing national pride with Nazism is ridiculous.

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Not quite sure what that was for, just making a comment.



I believe it might have had something to do with the fact that you attended an england game.


Ironic then the fact that robos has the club badge of an english team in his signature, irony you say? i'll let you be the judge of that :laughing:

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I believe it might have had something to do with the fact that you attended an england game.


Ironic then the fact that robos has the club badge of an english team in his signature, irony you say? i'll let you be the judge of that :nono:

Een more ironically, the club badge of the biggest bunch of scumbags of them all :thumbs:

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