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Mikoliunas charged by UEFA for being a cheat

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Lithuania midfielder Saulius Mikoliunas has been charged by Uefa for "deceiving the referee" and could receive a two-match ban.


Uefa began disciplinary procedures over the 23-year-old's tumble to earn a penalty during his country's 3-1 defeat by Scotland at Hampden last Saturday.


The misconduct charge was submitted after a review of the incident using video evidence.


Uefa's Control and Disciplinary body will hear the case on the 19 September.


Mikoliunas earned his side a penalty after a tussle for the ball with Scotland midfielder Darren Fletcher.


Tomas Danilevicius scored the controversial penalty, but the Scots won the game.


When asked after the game if he was worried he may be criticised in Scotland over the incident, Mikoliunas said: "I don't care. I play for Hearts not other clubs.


"If Hearts fans want me to apologise I will, but not to Scotland fans."


I thought Gordon Smith was told the authorities in Scotland couldn't charge cheats after matches. Now UEFA have charged Mikoliunas surely it strengthens SMiths arguments for the SFA to be granted similar powers?

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Thought the governing bodies said when Gordon Smith wanted to ban divers through TV evidence was totally not on as against the rules?



Yea he was.




The world governing body said that room for retrospective action was limited.


"This refers specifically to incidents which have escaped the match officials' attention," Fifa said in a statement.


"According to the Fifa disciplinary code, article 79, the disciplinary decisions taken by the ref on the field of play during a match are final."

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