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Dida and Milan to be charged by UEFA.

Guest LondonScottish

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i must say that i think that the punishment that has been handed out to both Dida and Mikolunais are crap. Diving or "simulation" is a bookable offence, you can't go round banning people for two games for every bookable offence or just suspend certain people for cheating. What about the centre half that dives after the striker leaves his foot in, or Pressley who was famed for getting himself between the ball and the forward and then falling down with no contact. Are we going to start handing out two game bans for that. I appreciate what the authorities are trying to do but you have to make blatant cheating a red-card offence during the game before you can start handing out retrospective bans. Maybe hand out yellow cards to Mikolunias and Dida but I dont think they have any basis for banning them.

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So why if you get caught cheating on the park do you only get booked, lets face it, if the ref had seen that Mikolunias has dived he would have got booked for it so why does he get a two match ban for something that is only a bookable offence. I know this is taking things to the extreme but its like committing 10 fouls in the game, not getting booked for persistent fouling during the game and then handing out a two match ban after the game. I know this is being pedantic but its true at the end of the day.

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Guest TenementFunster

I don't have a problem how the punishment is dealt. If the players attempt to dupe the ref and they get a 2 game ban so what?


Don't come the ***t and you won't get banned or at least leave yourself open to it.


At least now folk are getting punished and the culture will hopefully begin to change as a result.

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So why if you get caught cheating on the park do you only get booked, lets face it, if the ref had seen that Mikolunias has dived he would have got booked for it so why does he get a two match ban for something that is only a bookable offence. I know this is taking things to the extreme but its like committing 10 fouls in the game, not getting booked for persistent fouling during the game and then handing out a two match ban after the game. I know this is being pedantic but its true at the end of the day.


The Caley lad was taking coke in his car nowhere near a football stadium. Maybe he shouldn't be banned either as that's not even a bookable offence?


They've got to stamp down on this and thankfully they've saw sense for once and done just that.


I don't have a problem how the punishment is dealt. If the players attempt to dupe the ref and they get a 2 game ban so what?


Don't come the ***t and you won't get banned or at least leave yourself open to it.


At least now folk are getting punished and the culture will hopefully begin to change as a result.




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Guest TenementFunster
The Caley lad was taking coke in his car nowhere near a football stadium. Maybe he shouldn't be banned either as that's not even a bookable offence?


Maybe he shouldn't be banned at all.

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I think the Dida debacle has got in the way of the most important matter here - Celtic have got off very lightly. They allowed a fan on the pitch, who subsequently got in a position where he was able to attack a player. Celtic as a club breathed a huge sigh of relief when Dida started acting the ***t, as it gave them a perfect incident on which to deflect criticism.


'Aye, we can't control our fans, but look at that nasty dirty foreigner, he dived. Punish him!'

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Guest TenementFunster

In comparison with other incidents I think Celtic did ok, they could have got a worse fine but really the fines don't usually amount to much.


Dida acting the ***t certainly did deflect a little of the attention away from it.

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But what can Celtic do?


They probably paid a fortune for jobs-worth security, placed all around the ground to keep the fans in check. The fan was probably spotted by some guy in a bright yellow coat who then decided "***k that, I'm not tackling him, that's the job for the cops". The cops, who will also have had a bumper pay-out from Celtic for policing the game, were probably informed by the security and by that time the idiot was running around on the pitch.


Personally I think it's a disgrace that clubs have to pay all this cash out and then when something like this happens, the security/cops wash their hands of it.


On a side note; I'm all for paying idiots in Glasgow to run on the pitch and ruin the O.F.


Anyone want to chip in?

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I can definetly see Didas ban being lifted.


Milan were actually found guilty of involvment in match fixing and yet what happened? they appealed and suddenly they were allowed back into the champions league (won the bloody thing) and had their 15point deduction reduced to 8 with most of their punishment being having 30points deducted from the previous season (what the hell did that accomplish????)


Dida will appeal and continue to play (just like Kingston did) and eventually it will all be forgotten


Im wracking my brains as to when an 'appeal' has never been unsuccessful. So much for hard lines to cut out cheating etc. Dont even get me started on the fines for racism etc

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