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1. Maloney - lightweight and completely off the pace. Had a shocking 1st half and how he lasted the 90 without being subbed is anyone's guess. Starting to doubt if he's good enough at this level, especially when he's no playing regularly for his club.


2. Fletcher - Off the pace, easily disposessed. We need guys match fit.


3. Referee - The most blatent Pen I've seen this season :angry11:


4. Georgia - Reminded me of Dnipro in some ways - hold the ball very well, technically very good.


5. McFadden - Offered glimmers of hope. This guy deserves better than the Everton bench. The only Scot that got a shot on target as far as I saw.


6. Gary Lineker - Thank ***k we get our own coverage. Can't even begin to imagine how much he enjoyed that :thumbup1:


7. 17 year old goalkeepers - are good enough if your defence is solid.


8. Dressing up in the England away kit is not a good look for Scotland :)


9. We don't like the tables being turned. Georgia didn't underestimate us and were happy to play on the break. We need to be able to break down teams who show us some respect.


10. Midfield was lacking physical presence.


11. Missed Scot Brown.


12. I'm pissed off.


13. WE'RE STILL IN IT!. But our odds just took a nosedive :(

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1) Maloney not good enough never been a regular at any club but game for Scotland.


2)Pearson again not good enough for Celtic but pays for Scotland Joke.


3) Murty and Alexander playing second rate football in England ?????


4) Seve I am sure he could have done better at winning ball and getting forward than some of the Old Firm rejects in the team.

5) Good News England are in worse mess than us !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Pearson starting in the middle was a poor choice, he can't tackle, he's not quick enough in possession and his passing isn't good enough. There was a point early in the first half where a Georgian player walked past him as if he were a statue. If we'd had control of the game from the start (and we controlled it a lot better after Fletcher moved into the middle) it could have been a different story.

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Guest LondonScottish
1. Maloney - lightweight and completely off the pace. Had a shocking 1st half and how he lasted the 90 without being subbed is anyone's guess. Starting to doubt if he's good enough at this level, especially when he's no playing regularly for his club.


2. Fletcher - Off the pace, easily disposessed. We need guys match fit.


3. Referee - The most blatent Pen I've seen this season :angry11:


4. Georgia - Reminded me of Dnipro in some ways - hold the ball very well, technically very good.


5. McFadden - Offered glimmers of hope. This guy deserves better than the Everton bench. The only Scot that got a shot on target as far as I saw.


6. Gary Lineker - Thank ***k we get our own coverage. Can't even begin to imagine how much he enjoyed that :crossfingers:


7. 17 year old goalkeepers - are good enough if your defence is solid.


8. Dressing up in the England away kit is not a good look for Scotland :crossfingers:


9. We don't like the tables being turned. Georgia didn't underestimate us and were happy to play on the break. We need to be able to break down teams who show us some respect.


10. Midfield was lacking physical presence.


11. Missed Scot Brown.


12. I'm pissed off.


13. WE'RE STILL IN IT!. But our odds just took a nosedive :(




Nail on the ***king head. Every point. And ***k off Maloney in particular!!!!

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Nail on the ***king head. Every point. And ***k off Maloney in particular!!!!

Ttoally agree, although I thought Pearson was also particularly pish. Don't agree on Murty, thought him and Alexander were about the only positives tonight. Didnt even realise Murty was Scottish, that is a find, and why Hutton has got in ahead of him before now I dont know?

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absolute pish tonight. no player out there played anywhere near what they can. I was tricked into believing the hype and actually getting behind likes of ferguson et al to do the nation proud.


About 10 mins in i found myself thinking....why isnt Michael Hart ahead of Graeme Murty in the Scotland pecking order?

Why wasnt Seve in with a chance with so many withdrawals? When we saw McCulloch and Brown were out, you need someone in there with some bite to break things up coz Barry the crab sure as hell aint gonna get his socks muddy is he?


1) Instead we play an unfit Fletcher and asking him to go end to end and be creative.


2) A useless fart in the shape of Maloney - why didnt he come off at halftime? He was innefectual on the left wing so switched to the right, was EVEN more useless so changed back to the left. Waste of a shirt. I found myself screaming to get Robson on FFS! I said we need to make a change on 50 mins and the mrs said who would you change then? I named 5 players i wanted to change.


3) David Weir thinking hes Micah Richards charging upfield whenever he wanted then taking a horrid Dida esque delayed tumble.


4) Kenny Miller - i dont want him playing for Aberdeen let alone the national squad! He couldnt cut it in the SPL and yet he is picked ahead of a poacher like Boyd who yes, doesnt put in 7% of the running Miller does....but its blatantly obvious that Miller is utter tripe and only scored Saturday from 3 yards out

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Ttoally agree, although I thought Pearson was also particularly pish. Don't agree on Murty, thought him and Alexander were about the only positives tonight. Didnt even realise Murty was Scottish, that is a find, and why Hutton has got in ahead of him before now I dont know?
Don't agree with you about the fullbacks. Alexander (and Weir) should have challenged the corner for the first goal properly instead of letting the Georgian lad get a free header. All four defenders were at fault for the second too IMO - Murty and Weir should have stopped the cross, McManus and Naysmith should have prevented the forward from getting a shot on target. It was exactly the same mistakes that gave Georgia their goal at Hampden.
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Guest ultrarobin

Personally think tonight would have been ideal time to play Barry Robson - hungry for it, would have wanted to make an impression, think he could have changed the game today as our midfield was totally useless.


Maloney really does need to GTF, totally gash - picks himself because he's seen as a "big name".


Wasn't overly impressed with Kenny Miller but I have seen him play much worse! I would have started with Boyd, Miller and McFadden personally, Faddy would do well in an attacking midfield role with those two in front of him, especially with Brown missing. Thought it was all wrong tonight, tactics, selection, attitude. It's a shame, because we've worked so hard only to bottle it to one of the weaker teams in the group.


Credit to the boys where it's due though, they've done fantastic to come this far - two years ago we would have EXPECTED to lose to Georgia. It's easy to slate them when we lose one but remember they won 5 in a row before this one. Disappointing, but proud nonetheless.


Oh, and we CAN beat Italy.

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About 10 mins in i found myself thinking....why isnt Michael Hart ahead of Graeme Murty in the Scotland pecking order?

Why wasnt Seve in with a chance with so many withdrawals?

You know the answer, it's the fact that they play for Aberdeen. Supposedly not a very good club, yet this is Scotland's third-placed team and UEFA Cup representatives.

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Gordon - 6 -didnt have a chance with goals


Murty - 6 - nothing special didnt do anything wrong

Weir - 5 - no pace and too old we need another centre half to partner mcmanus.

Mcmanus - 6 - gets pass marks.

Alexander - surely we have better than the burnley left back


Fletcher - 2 - would have been better with teale (and thats saying something)

Ferguson - 5 - got stuck in at times but delivery was shocking

Pearson - 6 - pish in the 1st half much better in the 2nd when on the wing.

Maloney - 3 - only fletcher was worse than this little sh*t.


Mcfadden - 7 - our best player and the only player in the team that looked interested

Miller - 4 - did rap all.


fletcher should never have been on that pitch, maloney was terrible and he doesnt even look like he wants to play football anymore. Ferguson jumped out of challenges incase he got booked.


i know we are still in it but we were beatin by a team with schoolboys in it.


shocking performance and they let everyone down


1 final note - that twat of a ref should be banned from refereeing any game

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Guest LondonScottish
Gordon - 6 -didnt have a chance with goals


Murty - 6 - nothing special didnt do anything wrong

Weir - 5 - no pace and too old we need another centre half to partner mcmanus.

Mcmanus - 6 - gets pass marks.

Alexander - surely we have better than the burnley left back


Fletcher - 2 - would have been better with teale (and thats saying something)

Ferguson - 5 - got stuck in at times but delivery was shocking

Pearson - 6 - pish in the 1st half much better in the 2nd when on the wing.

Maloney - 3 - only fletcher was worse than this little sh*t.


Mcfadden - 7 - our best player and the only player in the team that looked interested

Miller - 4 - did rap all.


fletcher should never have been on that pitch, maloney was terrible and he doesnt even look like he wants to play football anymore. Ferguson jumped out of challenges incase he got booked.

i know we are still in it but we were beatin by a team with schoolboys in it.


shocking performance and they let everyone down


1 final note - that twat of a ref should be banned from refereeing any game




At least Ferguson will be with us for the Italy game. And how much did we miss Brown??

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At least Ferguson will be with us for the Italy game. And how much did we miss Brown??



I didnt realise how important Brown Mcculloch and IMO Hartley are to scotland until last night.


i was very confident we could do thisoints off the italians now.


we can beat the world cup runners up TWICE but we cant beat a team full of schoolboys

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My first thought when i saw the line up last night was "who the ***k is going to win the ball in the middle?!?!?" And i was right. Absolutley no-one. That is why we lost the game. Fletch was clearly unfit, pearson isnt a centre mid but looked a bit bitter when moved to the left, murty was ***king awful clearly should have been hart or mark wilson ahead of this streak of piss. When it came down to it georgia did to us what we have done to so many teams lately. Organised themselves really well and hit effectively on the counter. Even though we had a stonewall pen turned down the short and curlys of the matter are that we deserved he haw from this game. The better team won - end off

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My first thought when i saw the line up last night was "who the ***k is going to win the ball in the middle?!?!?" And i was right. Absolutley no-one. That is why we lost the game. Fletch was clearly unfit, pearson isnt a centre mid but looked a bit bitter when moved to the left, murty was ***king awful clearly should have been hart or mark wilson ahead of this streak of piss. When it came down to it georgia did to us what we have done to so many teams lately. Organised themselves really well and hit effectively on the counter. Even though we had a stonewall pen turned down the short and clurlys of the matter are that we deserved he haw from this game. The better team won - end off



100% spot on tjg.

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Ttoally agree, although I thought Pearson was also particularly pish. Don't agree on Murty, thought him and Alexander were about the only positives tonight. Didnt even realise Murty was Scottish, that is a find, and why Hutton has got in ahead of him before now I dont know?



Did you not see Murty get skinned for the second goal!!! Why do Scotland managers insist on picking these poor players ahead of home based talent just because they play in England.


Alexander has far too much of the ball in the first half allthe play was come down his side and he clearly ran out of ideas after around the 10 minute mark.


Ferguson set the tone for the game by passing the ball SIDEWAYS straight to a Georgia player in the first five minutes. Dunno who he thinks he is but his performance was shocking when it was up to him to step up and take charge in the midfield.


Weir was terrible, he should have stopped the first goal, dived like Dida (Already mentioned), and at one point looked like a schoolboy when he let the ball bounce around him a few times in the second half then closed his eyes and punted it as hard as he could, only to land the ball at an opposition players foot 10ft in front of him. The guy is passed it and has been carried through this campaign by McManus.


Fletcher was clearly not match fit and could not be blamed for being off the pace.


Scott Brown has become our most important player, without him we have no chance against the Italians.


Georgia were very good in all areas, they deserved their win as they played us off the park.

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I thought the full backs were terrible. Murty could've told Weir to leave the cross that led to the corner they scored from. Then he backed off all the way into our box before allowing a cross very easily for the 2nd.


Alexander was very poor in possession. When shown on his left foot the best he could do was a stab down the line in the general direction of Miller/Maloney/Pearson.


Weir let the ball bounce way too often, lost his man at the corner, is ridiculously slow and dived like a fairy to boot.


McManus struggled.


The midfield couldn't cope with the running of Kenia and the movement of the Georgians in general. Pearson's touch was Mackie-esque while his pace was anything but. Ferguson at least tried to keep the ball but we definitely needed someone to do the tackling. Fletcher wasn't ready for it and tried to do too much. The midfield was never settled at any point.


Miller scrapped up front but didn't provide the platform that we needed. Boyd looked uninterested when he came on - not using his fresh legs to hassle defenders, just allowing the Georgians easy possession at the back. Beattie put hiself about but he's sh*te.


McFadden was our only threat. He had at least 6 chances of varying quality - 4 of which on his right foot. On current form I thought he'd take at least one.


The only reason I can see for keeping Maloney on was cos of freekicks. IMO we'd have been better with Robson.


Odd tactics from Eck.

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Didnt even realise Murty was Scottish, that is a find, and why Hutton has got in ahead of him before now I dont know?


WTF? Hutton has been one of our best players recently. Second only to McFadden in my opinion. Pretty much won the Huns games vs Stuttgart and Lyon as well.


Not one of our players seemed to find any form last night. Passes were going nowhere and pushed off the ball far too easily. After a great game against Ukraine Ferguson was particuarly poor and we missed Brown's anger!


Thought Miller did the best he could, wasn't exactly given much to work with. McFadden and Fletcher seemed to think they could skin the whole team themselves when a simple pass or an early shot would have been far more effective.


Gutted at losing to that cack but they deserved it. Here's hoping for more Scotttish heroics vs Italy.


Bring 'em on!!

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We were utterly abysmal. Murty should never put on a Scotland shirt ever again the way he sold himself for the second goal. And once again Weir to blame for not marking for the first goal. Gordon's kicking was atrocious but made a couple of good saves. Devoid of any punch in midfield, I thought Ferguson had one of his worst games for Scotland. Pearson picked up where he left off on Saturday - anonymous, Fletcher lacking match fitness but did OK considering and Maloney wasn't up to scratch. Kenny Miller still couldn't trap a bag of cement and McFadden seemed to think he was Roy of the Rovers.


All in all a truly terrible performance and we got what we deserved.


Georgia were very well organised, even with their two 17-yr olds and one 16 year old.


Off the top of my head I can think of 4 right backs who are better than Murty. As for him being a "real find," Jesus Christ, didn't you see Hutton on Saturday?

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We were utterly abysmal. Murty should never put on a Scotland shirt ever again the way he sold himself for the second goal. And once again Weir to blame for not marking for the first goal. Gordon's kicking was atrocious but made a couple of good saves. Devoid of any punch in midfield, I thought Ferguson had one of his worst games for Scotland. Pearson picked up where he left off on Saturday - anonymous, Fletcher lacking match fitness but did OK considering and Maloney wasn't up to scratch. Kenny Miller still couldn't trap a bag of cement and McFadden seemed to think he was Roy of the Rovers.


All in all a truly terrible performance and we got what we deserved.


Georgia were very well organised, even with their two 17-yr olds and one 16 year old.


Off the top of my head I can think of 4 right backs who are better than Murty. As for him being a "real find," Jesus Christ, didn't you see Hutton on Saturday?

Agree with all that except for Fletcher who i thought fit or unfit was absolutely woeful. Usual fancy dan performance looking for 80 yard passes and constantly losing the ball. Like watching Severin on on of his many off days.

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McLeish got it all wrong last night.

Leave aside the dubious player selection, he probably shouldn't have started 442 and gone with 4141 which has served us well in the other games.

This was always going to be a tough game but conceding so much time and space early on was a big mistake.


Then selecting an unfit fletcher and and a totally useless Maloney on the wings. What was he thinking? Well he clearly wasn't as Maloney stayed on the park for 90mins!! Once we lost that early goal we were on a hiding to nothing and none of the players ever looked up to speed. Wonder if the Ukraine game, where we let them have so much possession took more out of the players than we realised?


Anyway we are still in with a (slim) shout and if anyone had offered that a year ago, or even 6 months ago I would have bitten their whole arm off.

Added to that England will be unbelievably jammy to qualify now and it wasn't a total disaster of a night

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