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RAZOR last won the day on November 8

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  1. I've never tried chicken eens. Looks f9. Nice classic touch of mustard 👌
  2. Cald in Aberdream today. Warmer in the North Sea.
  3. That he is but a fine one at that. Twa fine loons the pair of you x
  4. If it's the same DA as I think it is then yeah, still a South Stand Section X stalwart.
  5. I just find it ridiculous they didn't build an indoor pitch/pitches at the site. Must spend a fortune hiring out ASV.
  6. Is it for our gf/vegan/parkun weekend to see Fred?
  7. RAZOR

    Pet Hates

    A Hat classic of wishing them nothing but misery and ill health applies here x
  8. Was going to say Linkin Park actually
  9. 0 respect for Fife Keith in this thread. Much better than Keith.
  10. Harry Milne (Aberdeen loon) at Partick Thistle at LB. Can't believe nobody has taken a punt on him. Be like the Pele raid of the 1st Division in 2003 all over again.
  11. Oldie boys in their bed. BoD lads on the baileys.
  12. Another one proving just how useless that Hun cunt Robson was. Couldn't get a game behind fucking Roos.
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