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Stoneybloke last won the day on October 29 2016

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  1. I get the impression that Leven doesn't see himself as a manager at this stage in his career and when he does it won't be at Aberdeen.
  2. One thing I've been sick of hearing from the pundits is the statement that "Aberdeen are a huge club". How can that be justified in the current circumstances.
  3. So the whole consultants exercise could be a total waste of time.
  4. The worrying thing is that no one seems able to identify the problem that makes the players so inadequate. Overcoming the challenges that are facing them seems to be an impossibility. The mystifying thing is how the same team can deteriorate so badly from one game to the next. Leven probably probably hasn't endeared himself to the board with his post match comments. Looks like he knows he'll be out when a new manager is eventually appointed. It's a total fiasco and the ship is sinking rapidly. Will someone tell the board how bad things are before its too late.
  5. West Bromwich Albion for me, hopefully in the playoffs.
  6. There is zero urgency. Even after the penalty they were in no hurry to take throw ins or free kicks. I'm on the verge of giving up on them. What's the point if they don't care.
  7. McInnes was on STV News last night saying how he well he did with limited resources in comparison to other managers since him. There was more than a hint of bitterness. They will be pulling out all the stops on Saturday.
  8. I hate the thought of us being relegated. Perhaps we've been lucky to escape it before, but it will have a disastrous effect on the club. It will turn us into another yo-yo club. The invisible barrier of never having been relgated will be gone.
  9. I wouldnt fancy the journey back on the team bus this evening. No sing song being led by Warnock. Maybe he will tell them a few jokes.
  10. West Brom appointed Sam Allardyce as interim manager a few seasons ago to avoid relegation. What happened?.............. they got relegated.
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